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Everything posted by cocker

  1. Belters them cocker. All the best with them thanks swaino it was my good mate paul, and coursing men and knowledgeable breeders before me that has really put the blood sweat and tears heart and soul into these
  2. heres my mate pauls superb old bitch susie (charlie x seagull) she's the great grandmother to my pups above, and one of the pups here with susie in this pic is scout as a pup (charlie x seagull x charlie x foxy), he is the grandfather to these of mine must be nearly 50 yrs of breeding on this seagull thread
  3. hello goldfinch, definitely mate, i didn't go last week cos i had one bitch just had pups, my dog was still recovering from having a toe off, and i had a bit of work to do, so i thought i give having a run a miss, anyway ill have to have a ride over one day for a cuppa, see you about number for the man from barnsley, i think sonnyboy might have told you i was on about. cheers goldfinch all the best mate see you shortly
  4. i think she just recovered from injury and bounced back after finishing been in season also
  5. i hear the buddy x sonia bitch aka "fens flyer" done the biz in a comp 3 -2 keep up the good work pal
  6. Q Does The Shape Of A Dog Affect Its Performance? A YES……………….
  7. years ago my mate had a whippet greyhound with one eye, but that didn't stop it nailing thousands of rabbits over its lifetime during the daytime and lamping, to be fair it was easily as good as a good dog with two good eyes, and better than most, all the best with your dog mate
  8. nothing more toxic for a dog than a christmas pudding f@cks there kidneys right up
  9. yorkshire saluki 9 years old on this picture from yorkshire, he ran for 6 good seasons, but hasn't done anything for a couple of years now
  10. like desert bred says there is no disputing paul is a very fair man and very consientious regarding getting you the best result possible for a working dog,
  11. . Ye your right, compared to some of the robbing c**ts he's still cheap but when I first went to him he charged peanuts. To be honest I'd pay double what he charges, he knows his stuff and will always try his best to get the best possible outcome from a working dogs point of view. I've noticed he always seems to ask what work I've got on before he tells me what the bill is? Maybe I should hit him with a sob story next time
  12. hey, which makes me think, ime not made of money, so my new years resolution tonight will be to get dog insurance from now on
  13. Many vets would have gone into 4 figure sums for that time and work. they would mate, i was worried to think how much these vets at thirsk would have charged, the vet where i usually go for small stuff charges an absolute fortune, my last big visit there cost me £700 for a c section on a bitch out of hours (saturday dinner time) she was only in the vets an hour or two, don't get me wrong i didn't mind paying it had to be done, but thats a lot of money for half an hours work.
  14. i still think he's cheaper than cat and dog vets, though mate i called on him out of hours, he spent 3 hours with my dog, surgically removing and stitching the toe, whilst retaining the all important "pad" then antibiotics and pain killers and anti inflamatorys were prescribed plus spare dressings, then another 1 hour visit and a change of dressing laser treatment painkillers antibiotics and anti inflammatory s then another 1 hour visit and a change of dressing laser treatment painkillers antibiotics and anti inflammatory s all for only £200 which i think was cheap for 5 hours of a good
  15. i had the back middle toe removed off my running dog exactly 5 weeks ago yesterday, and after only 5 weeks he's not feeling any trouble at all with it, he's, jogging 3 or 4 miles along side me on the bike, and he's almost ready to run again proper, but i will give him a bit more time yet, at least i don't have to worry about if its going to break for a second time, and its not going to cause my dog any further future pain, ps i don't expect it to affect his performance in the future paul evans veterinary (running dog/greyhound specialist) 01616285709 07831171262
  16. she had a bad toe injury at the start of the season had to get toe removed but she getting fit again captain hopefully i get the last few weeks of the season with her, did you here anything about the dog that was sold for the 5 grand to wexford?? hello banner man which toe your bitch had removed and how long ago since, i just ask out of interest mate, as 5 weeks ago today my dog bust his middle back toe and snapped the two ligaments what go to it, i got the toe off 5 weeks ago and he's been all bandaged up until last week, bandage has been off a week, and now 5 weeks later since accident
  17. she had a bad toe injury at the start of the season had to get toe removed but she getting fit again captain hopefully i get the last few weeks of the season with her, did you here anything about the dog that was sold for the 5 grand to wexford?? hello banner man which toe your bitch had removed and how long ago since, i just ask out of interest mate, as 5 weeks ago today my dog bust his middle back toe and snapped the two ligaments what go to it, i got the toe off 5 weeks ago and he's been all bandaged up until last week, bandage has been off a week, and now 5 weeks later since accident
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