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Everything posted by cocker

  1. from what i seen wi me own eyes with them buddy sonias the blacker and softer and wetter the ground the better they are,, they're at there best on wet soft black stuff
  2. i been all over northern france 15 times, carp fishing and motorbiking camping and stuff for a week or two at a time, seen loads of deer, wild boar, and coypu, the land looks bang on but I've never seen many hares. so all i can say is good luck there right into hunting and shooting there but as far as hunting with hounds its all deer and pigs, coursing is banned
  3. chester, that black bitch is craigs " roxy" JACK X SPLASH,, the dog is pg "jamie" BUDDY X SONIA, (pauls dog isn't at stud. that was just a free line for a friend}
  4. aye mate, jontys bitch is a real un from what i hear off top dog lads,
  5. craig nuttal rates them good enough he is using "jamie" a very very good buddy sonia dog to line his bitches.
  6. i never seen sonia run myself mate, as far as i know she died last year think she might have been about 13 yrs old ?? but not sure
  7. there alright mate, i just run mine anywhere i get chance, big fields, little fields, stoney fields, and black land don't mind where i run her and she's not bothered either
  8. andrea barr down in essex, BANATAY WHIPPETS. they have all the good genuine old lines in there pedigrees she down near colchester
  9. one tab won't do much mate you need a course of antibiotics if you need to use them, just try to keep it clean and she will be fine
  10. Very nice type half cross ? he was out was half x cross mam by 3/4 dad so 3/8 5/8 mate
  11. Dont forget to replace the dummy carts with proper ones on your poacher alarm mate lol cracking bits of kit. Also to be considered is wiring the locks direct too the mains I reckon watch dog, a dog that would bark+yap and let you know,same as a alarm would, make a noise. the best would be couple of jacks , or a gsd or bel mal, these 3 breeds are very vocal , 2 bigger and more intimidating if you wanted that. but 2 jacks would let you know if somebody was about 20yds before they got on your property,and security lights. if the jacks are we locked in with real good locks and tight mesh on
  12. i didn't like to put the part about replacing the blanks for live 12 bore cartridges as it may incriminate me LOL
  13. these set at face height f@ck em Poacher Alarm - Game Bags & Accessories - Shooting - William ... Gamekeeper alarm gun / mine - YouTube My burglar alarm! (12 GADGE) shot gun mine
  14. very very much doubt the rspca will hand any of those over
  15. well said, its about the dogs nothing else
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