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Everything posted by cocker

  1. arguments aside,,, in my opinion there is some unity as there are over 56,000 members just on this hunting life
  2. glad ime not in a fire fight in a war zone with fuji
  3. i live in a big hunting area (or what was a big fox hunting, mink hunting, hare hunting, and hare coursing area) i just looked on the internet the thirsk and malton mp is conservative, he won 27500 votes next was labour on only 7000 votes and all the rest of them on less than 7000 votes, the first thing i am going to do is post a letter and also email him a letter, explaining i voted for him for a reason, and i would like a reply as to what his plans are regarding the vote to repeal, all you have to do for now is just let the local mps know there are still are lot of people out there who w
  4. its simple the vote is to repeal the ban, that means everything goes back to how it was, before 2005, f**k the purple haired lentil munching lesbians, and the dreadlocked wiggers, and all there puppet masters, either people who hunt with dogs start to look positive, or f**k it off and just give in to them ?
  5. think you boys are f****d with that nickerless sturgeon pal
  6. if cameron has got any sense he will offer the scots another referendum first, then the tories will have england to themselves One country, one party running it, no opposition, make Scotland independent and the Conservative party will rule unaposed for the next 30 years
  7. cheers leeview, someone who understands the law
  8. the vote is to repeal the ban, repeal rɪˈpiːl/ verb 1. revoke or annul (a law or act of parliament). "the legislation was repealed five months later" synonyms: revoke, rescind, cancel, reverse, abrogate, annul, nullify, declare null and void, make void, void, invalidate, render invalid, quash, abolish, set aside, countermand, retract, withdraw, overrule, override; More noun 1. the action of revoking or annulling a law or act of parliament. "the House voted in favour of
  9. ok, "in general", have things got worse since the ban or have things got better since the ban ???????????
  10. Fox hunting back on the agenda reveals Jeremy Hunt as Tories plan 'radical blitz' after election bloodbath
  11. Fox hunting back on the agenda reveals Jeremy Hunt as Tories plan 'radical blitz' after election bloodbath
  12. nice bitch pal, reminds me of the type i had as a young lad
  13. it won't get better but she will still be able to run all right next season
  14. more rabbits this year than for many years round this way
  15. nice pups pal and good cross, best of luck with them
  16. if you hold the flirt pole near a high wall the dog can use the wall to get more height and use different muscles
  17. if i had a 7 yr old dog who'd proved himself to me, id put him to a bitch of the same calibre, and keep a dog pup which you think is like him
  18. this is a closer picture of fred
  19. thats mccullocks "fred" that was put over "eve" to get "seagull"
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