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Everything posted by rocketdog

  1. I was told that there was a Wolfhound lure courseing association, searched for it on the web, but all links seem dead. Does anyone know of any coursing events for Wolfies oop north?
  2. I am running a Lurcher and sighthound show in September(Sunday 19th), in Huddersfield. The lady who was judging the working dog classes has had to pull out due to family illness. So now I am stuck and panicking!!! Would anyone be able to offer their services to judge, or know anyone who would be willing? The event is a fundraiser for a lurcher rescue, payment would be in the form of a crate of your favourite tipple, as many bacon butties as you could eat on the day and some cash to cover petrol costs!! Cheers in advance, Sally
  3. My firstborn wont be getting feck all this year...just found he sold the x-box 360 I scrimped and saved for last year! Cheeky sod got £ and spent it on chavvy clothes from TK Maxx! A lump of coal and an orange coming his way this year...if he's lucky!
  4. Buddy regularly brings hedgehogs in from the garden and then stands there, obviously in pain, but refusing to let go
  5. Just dont understand why they could take such action on the premise that the ponies 'might' have suffered in the future?
  6. Just read this.... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/7920217/Did-the-RSPCA-drive-a-man-to-suicide.html ...sick fuckers!!!
  7. Go through Meltham Mills, up big hill toward Honley...its at the top , just before you start to drop down to Honley Village. Will try an organise a couple of 'meetings' over next few weeks....probably quite pub based ones!
  8. Howdo All, I am in the process of organising a Lurcher show n Huddersfield. Date is set for 19th September and will be at Woodnook Arena in Meltham. I've got the hire of two big indoor arenas for the day, plus loads of outside space for stalls,and a staffed cafe. All the money raised will be going to Lurcher Link in Sowerby Bridge. Now for the cheeky bit....I've had Lurchers for years, but I'm pretty new to working with them. This is also my first attempt at organising a show...its pretty much a one woman gig at the mo, so I would be very grateful for suggestions for classes, volunteers o
  9. Series 2A landy, a proper work horse,and its still going strong, though not for me unfortunately. Had to sell it once the Landy fund went into the red, but still see it around and get a pang of regret each time . On the look out for a series 3 if anyone knows of anything going!!
  10. I'll be going with my three, first show for the pup, will be putting her in the rough coated bitch, 6 months and over. Been to the last two, was a good day out
  11. Thought I better stop lurking and start posting. I have three hounds, Mia-salukixwhippet, Buddy-retired racer and Xena- 1st cross WolfieXDeerhound. Not new to Lurchers but new to working and hoping to pick up some hints and help from the forum.
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