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Everything posted by kev2010

  1. Im really sorry to hear that.My thoughts are with you.
  2. As has already been said,im sure there are some genuine sales.But for me personally my dogs are with me for life,good or bad.Work on thier strengths not thier weaknesess.
  3. Have a look on page two (few pics of my free bitch)Looks like shes doin well.Atb
  4. Have a look on ebay.
  5. Queen one of the best bands ever,but have to say yes,hes a :wankerzo4:
  6. Try some MANUKA honey.Spread over the wound & bandage it up.Just have to make sure she doesn't pull the bandage off & lick the honey off.Sounds daft but its really good stuff.really speads up the healing.You can buy it in the supermarket & comes in different stengths.Ive used it a lot & has always worked for my dogs.Atb.Kev
  7. Nice to see she went to a good home.Atb with her.
  8. Made the same observation myself when i joined not long ago.
  9. Hi myles.It depends on what size battery & bulb you have.If you know what power the bulb is (25,50watt) divide that number by the voltage of the batt (12v).That will tell you how many amps the bulb will pull.Then find out what amphour the batt is.Divide the amp hour of the batt by the amps of the bulb & that will give you the run time. So a 50 watt bulb will pull 4amps.Fitted to a 10 amph batt,you should get about 2.5h continuous run time.But as the battery discharges & voltage drops the light will start to dim.Dont over discharge your batt.If the voltage drops to low when you put
  10. Or you could try.Google shrink pic free download & download programe to your computer.This will automaticly resize your pics when you click to attach files,which can be found at the bottom of the page when you reply to a post or start a new topic.Once you have clicked on click to attatch files & you have selected them from your computer they will be on the right side of the page.click attach.You will then see it in the big white box where you write your reply/topic. PS.This programe is for windows 2000,XP & vista.Kev.
  11. First car on the road was Ford consul 375 deluxe in grey primmer,with a 3 Ltr V6 fitted.Went like stink,handled like a boat.
  12. Which bit do you need help with stag18?
  13. Parrot,What Parrot.Parrot,what Parrot.No Parrot on here.No Parrot on here.Now where's me crackers.Now where's me crackers.
  14. Just role on it instead.The bugger's.
  15. Not done it myself.But i think it does it for you when you attatch the pic.Says somethig like picture resize on where you add avatar on your profile,though you may have to shrink the pic in the first place.Hope this makes sense.Kev
  16. Id give this ago,though i dont think youll get far.Ive had cats for 25years & been ripped off many times by vets.But never to this extent.It's also taken me this long to find a good,honest vet who's not just about the money. Glad to hear the cats doin well.Not a bad age that.
  17. kev2010


    Loads of lapwings in the maze fields around me.Kev.
  18. Thanks for the replys.I cant always whistle that loud,so i was using one of those silent whistles that wasnt very silent.But i lost it a few weeks ago.Tried another but they just dont respond.So i thought if training again to a different whistle id try something else.Thanks again.Kev.
  19. Lovly dog fh.Looks really fit.Just need the white trainers lol.
  20. kev2010


    Its a sad state.I can count on one hand how many hares ive seen in the last five years.Theres hardly any rabbits about.If its anything like where iam its been hunted to death.Seems like everbodys got a dog or three,ferrets & a gun.Kev
  21. But plenty do man! I just think its mental, ive got nowt against trainers, just that I see pics on here all year round, lurcher with its catch, and hunter in trainers :crazy: nutters mustnt give a shit about their feet and ankles... now thats dedication! agrre mate they must be mental, i'm going to buy a new pair of boots i bought a pair of dunlop wellies what a load of sh*t get blisters all the time o them, anyonerecomend a descent boot or wellie possible a link up to them to Muck boots.Best wellies ive had.Paid £45 three years ago still going strong.
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