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adam scott

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Everything posted by adam scott

  1. hello. after successful shooting on winter rape, i have been turning my head towards pea's (drilling's). having only shot on them a couple of times when i was a lad, i do not have alot of confidence on them. my old man say's "u gotta be quick after the drilling"! the rape is to high for me now even tho i did go out last weekend and had a small bag. what can i shoot on now? grass is an option as i always see pigeon on it for the clover. i would love to get on the pea's tho and be confident. am i too late? is it useless setting up on a pea field if there are no surface pea's left?
  2. nik_b has a point. u dont wanna upset your dad a. my old man does not shoot anymore! wish he did! was one of the greatest pigeon shooters i knew. would give anything to go shooting with him again. enjoy all the time with your dad that you can! it does not last forever!
  3. i wanted to take my stepdad out onto land that i had permission to shoot on. even tho it would not have been a problem i still asked and confirmed with the land owner that it was ok to bring another person. why dont u ask the land owner personally? then u can say to your dad that it is ok for the three of you to go out on the land.
  4. hello, i am confused as to what a rimfire rifle is. i dont have alot to do with rifles. i can count on one hand how many times i have been out with a bullet rifle. what does rim fire mean???
  5. superb advice! thank you very much! adam
  6. what do you recomend? brass or plastic?
  7. i started decoying with an air gun last year. made a change. was really good because it was so quiet! pigeons would land in 3's i'd shoot one. the other 2 took off and landed again! was great fun. aiming was an issue as u HAVE to wait for them to land. altho one day i became so frustraited with decoy shy pigeons i managed to shoot one out of the air! i also made a prop, a piece of 2x1 battern with a cut v in the top. i took a saw with me to the field i wanted to shoot in, sat in place got comfy and cut it off to the correct length! You have to be a good shot, so practise alot! u have to be qui
  8. hello, i have tried several set up's with deeks, but a good one i got started on was the horse shoe shape facing into the wind with 12 deecoys or so, u dont really need anymore than that to start off. the inside of your horse shoe will be your killing zone! any dead birds - add randomly to the decoy's for an increased pattern and look of realness. always try to do your reconisance and find the flight lines. if u can find a flight line you'll be laughing. pigeons will drop in 1's and 2's lovly. keep all movement to a minimal. if u do have to change your decoys because birds are vering away,
  9. so what would the price be on having the barrels reconditioned! my stepdad's barrels are almost pitted! i dont think he has ever cleaned his gun! it's really bad. would u say if the barrels are pitted it is beyond repair?
  10. cheers. i'll get some snap caps eventually. always forget when i walk in the gunsmiths, to busy lookin at the guns lol.
  11. hello, i have just put a deposite down on a browning gti plus with 30" barrels, i have been shooting with all sorts over the years and browning seems to be the make that wont let you down if looked after correctly. i shoot pigeons and rabbits, and clay often. so a mid sized barrel feels the correct way to go with a slightly longer stock from browning. i want to know what u all think of the browning gti plus? what worries me is why a browning this nice is sat on the shelf in a gun shop second hand?
  12. hello, i would lke some advice on snap caps. i occasionally borrow my old mans lanbur because it's light and agile. i dont like storing shotguns with cocked pins, could i possibly use old used shells to fire the pins? or would that still knacker the pins eventually?
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