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Everything posted by stalkerboydy

  1. just my oppion but as above's reply's. Every situation is different. i have had a situation where i hit the Fallow very hard Females, rubbish Buck's etc now some 7yrs later got very good quality Buck's and what i would describe as good manageable Fallow stalking. unfortunately there is good and bad in all walk's of life
  2. I have a book somewhere where there is a drawing of a stag with crosshairs aligned on said shot. think its one of his. mate some people will fight and argue with them self's if you know what i mean
  3. was it not Mr Lee Mc Nally who wrote for the "Shooting Times" in the 70's High Shoulder or high Heart is my favoured shot ? i belive he shot one or two Deer in his life time. An the FC Stalker's i know advise high shoulder to there client's in thick cover/woodland
  4. You can not shoot them willy nilly, you have to prove you have tried "ALL" scareing tactic's eg walk them off bird scarer's rocket's and if shooting is proved to be the only way Remember the are "STIL" Classed as Wildfowl so unless you use non-toxic shot (NOT LEAD) or Bullet's you will be at risk of losing both SGC and FAC ONLY TRYING TO HELP there is a lot of abuse with the Canada Goose situation and sooner rather than latter some one is going to be made a example of. If you cherrish your sgc an fac steer clear of shooting them
  5. i feel in 34yrs+ of Deer Stalking i have been very lucky to have shot ALL Six species of our Deer and a few Wild Boar using a .25-06 120g Partition or 120g Grand Slam. What i found is Munty, c.w.d. and Roe through the rib's drop to shot. Sika, Fallow and Red run on. Now to my anwser to this thread. I shoot a few hundred Fallow and 10-15 Red's each season Red's female are dressing out 240lb+ so in my eyes are BIG (NOT PARK OR PENNED) when i find my self in a situation where i dont want the deer to run on i shoot (what was desribed to me Pin the shoulder) high through the top of the shoulder, an
  6. Did not wont to open that can of worm's, but you are "SPOT ON" As i have stated before if you have dense cover or getting dark Take a High Shoulder shot, placed right down it goes to shot. John respect to your approach to Deer Stalking
  7. FTB. just re-read your post and mine and i am "NOT" Telling you or "ANY" other forum member what they can or can not do. As for "igorance and lack of knowledge" Dont make me laugh if only you "NEW" As for the offer to PM YOU i decline as i like things out in the open for others to see. To the Guy who started this thread I oppolize if he feel's i have high jacked his thread.READ THE POSTS BY ALL END OF.
  8. so i take it you have never had a messed up shot then? as u seem to be very confidente at taking head shots at 100 yards... Lost 4 deer to heart/lung shots. Fading light - no dog - dense cover...I need to drop them on the spot. Ive never messed up a head/neck shot to date - fact. And yes I am very confident at taking head and neck shots - alot moreso then body shots. My personal preferance - I dont try to convert you to my way of thinking so what are you getting at with me? FTB FTB Not in any way am i being a arse to you But Read your post Lost 4 Deer rib shot BIG tar
  9. this debate will rage long after we have all gone. I will try ONCE more to give my view's and finding's. I my self have but NOW very very rarely use the Head neck shot WHY Screwed head neck shot Deer run's off in most case's never found and dies a horrific death Screwed Rib's in most case's is found and dispatched Both case's there are exceptions. Chance's of Messing up head or neck eg: A Deer say looking away good for a rear head shot, IF for any reason the deer choses to move the head or neck move's FIRST causing a screwed shot. Rib Shot if the Deer move's due to bigger target area (yes the
  10. it does not matter how good we are or think we are Head neck shot and this does include "ME" sooner rather than later you will screw the shot up "FACT" and in most case's the Deer will drop to shot give no concern to the shot taker after a short while onto its feet Gone to die a horrible death. In most case's a screwed rib shot the Deer will lay down stiffen allowing you to approach and put it out of its suffering. For me it is about ethic's and minimizing the chance's of wounding Perhap's some of you chap's have not seen the effect's of a screwed head or neck shot, i have and yes i have even
  11. No...dropping it on the spot. FTB So does a well placed High top of the heart or through the top of the shoulder drop them to shot But then again not all but most Head and neck shooter's are doing it for no lose of money from the game dealer
  12. I am with you 100% Fyltie. I to have on more than one occasion had to clear up after the "HEAD NECK" Shooter's. Enough to make a True Sportsman "SICK"
  13. 6.5x55 legal in Germany and stop's Boar ok. UK they seem to say .270 min!!!!!!! As for bullet's i would use Nossler Partion, Lapua Mega or Grand Slam
  14. Foxhunter not only is your mate a good shot but a "MIND READER" to know that the Deer was not going to move. If you pair have seen a Blowen out wind pipe or brocken jaw why would you even atempt such a shot!!!!!!!!!!! And before you start giving me stick of not have the right weapon or able to do this type of shot I HAVE AND I AM ABLE but out of respect dont take these type of shot's Animal are living breathing target's NOT STATIC piece's of paper target's. Yes it is good to have to skill to longe range shoot but only in a emergency eg a messed up shot
  15. Sauer 202 .25-06 had it treaded for mod, shot all six species of wild deer in the uk + Wild boar imho fantastic rifle
  16. Hi to all just joined this forum, from Camb's into Deerstalking, Wild Boar shooting and Goose/Wildfowling and up for swap shooting Cheer's
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