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Everything posted by pongopalmer

  1. got a 10 year old also he bin out with me a few times but he finds it hard to keep still an quiet an he more in to his football an drama , an the little ones av seen a few things av brought home they always pay intrest in them an were they came from . ya see we live in a built up area too were gun crime is incresing an i think its good to teach the kids early on in life about the pros an cons of guns , i,e life an death.. so they no how dangares guns are when in the wrong hands..
  2. yep backed up by obama its not on the site but a block away.a slap in the face to eveyone who lost their lifes that day.saying that they might very well allow it,however its america were talking about.Im sure there would be some in the states that wont sit back and allow it to be built,and even if it is i should imagine it will stand for long! absalutly discusting !!!!!!!! THHE AMERICAN PEOLPE NEED TO STAND UP AND BE COUNTED..... they carnt let it happen
  3. only had air rifle an dog mate
  4. couldnt believe me ears but the wife was tellin me the other day that she had herd on the news that they wanna build a mosqe on ground zero :realmad: what the fck is that about ......
  5. took my 4 year old son and 2 year old daughter out in the feilds the other day , they absulutly loved it we managed to get 2 hares, very good considerin i was trying to keep them quiet as possible .. does anyone else take there kids out young or am i the only one .. whats your opinions please.
  6. Hogdog did u get any up to date pictures ov ya dog mate
  7. i would stick with the petrol mate, haha
  8. sorry but have to disagree. i think people stick to what they know because they have the animal to do the job. and there is nothing wrong with that at all. i was brought up with show bred ebt's and have seen the odd one with very high prey drive and temper. these dogs showed massive pottential in the field. although i dont like the look of the show dogs today i think there are many out there with the mentality to work. but sadly these dogs main purpose now is to be lead around a ring which obviously has made less dogs with the potential to work. heres a link to see a ebt which i think
  9. Obviously you mean Rats, as thats the only other legal quarry here. Remember, Big Brother is watching all of US Kyle amen brother i'll second that
  10. So you want people to come on a forum and tell you all about the illegal stuff they've been up to? Good luck.
  11. Think u spoke to soon mate, about the BICKERING
  12. That depends on the mongrel mate .... put it this way it can do alot more than shih tzu x chihuahua :wacko:
  13. Haha people? Im sure its just me he pounces on and headbutts! Kyle truthfully mine jumped up an knocked me mates front tooth out : ...... but he has calmed down a lot now with a firm hand alot ov shouting an reminding but he is a pleasure to own an the best dog av ever had with the BIGGIST personality i trained him to do that when you arive
  14. Haha people? Im sure its just me he pounces on and headbutts! Kyle truthfully mine jumped up an knocked me mates front tooth out : ...... but he has calmed down a lot now with a firm hand alot ov shouting an reminding but he is a pleasure to own an the best dog av ever had with the BIGGIST personality
  15. haha well his drive is second to none an his temperament is great with kids , cats an other dogs. coz he was solicilized alot as a puppy ... he has no problems with his health as for breeding he is only a young dog but i would give him another year or so yet , if i found the right bitch... he is kc registered can be bit head strong but is pleasure to own .........
  16. i dont no what your EBT are like in the states but for one thing mate my EBT isnt 1 year old yet an makes an excellent guard dog, his hearing an sences are outstanding.. some one only has to come near house or truck or kids even an he wants to eat them , an very capable too ... if u wanna get on a plain an see for ya self your very welcome , :11: av started working him now an he showing alot ov promise
  17. WELL SAID HOGDOG its about time some one stuck up for the EBT coz there are good fit ones out there an obviosley there are unfit ones out there too. am not sayin every EBT will make a working dog but there are good lines out there . there are many dogs from popular working breeds that fail when put out in the field in my opinion ov corse ..........
  18. is right mate better dog av u got any up to date pictures
  19. to be honest mate he was bought as a pet - guard dog. i started tacking him out in to the field with my rifle for fun until i realised i didnt need my gun any more recently av bin takin him on rough ground were he does well with the rabbits as for his nose i carnt knock it .. i got hopes for heaver work for him in the future Good stuff mate, yours looks as mine did as a youngster, same type. It's quite funny, but if you have a dog that is so keen, you will realise what the possibilitys of a dog are, rather than a gun! Best of luck with him, good to know, though i wouldn't be too 'ge
  20. to be honest mate he was bought as a pet - guard dog. i started tacking him out in to the field with my rifle for fun until i realised i didnt need my gun any more recently av bin takin him on rough ground were he does well with the rabbits as for his nose i carnt knock it .. i got hopes for heaver work for him in the future
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