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Everything posted by pongopalmer

  1. How would've a 17 inch bull/ whippet been handy pre ban? obviously she isn't going to take deer and I haven't got any round here anyway Shes quicker than she looks and has loads of prey drive and a good jaw so I don't think foxs would be a problem the fields round me arn't particularly big and I hunt a lot of rough ground and woodland a big dog would be no good for the land I run . Hope this answers your question
  2. Nice dog sully looks handy thanks for posting. hope mine makes 21 tts my other bull whippet is only 17 tts she's quick but this one is definitely going to be quicker. Do you no how big yours was at 19 weeks mate
  3. Thanks mate She's only 17 tts just worked her over me ferrets and a bit on the lamp she's quick and can turn on the spot would of been really handy pre ban I'm looking forward to getting them working together when the pups bigger. put a pic up of yours if you can mate
  4. Both of them have the same sire different dams. The pup is as tall as the white one already
  5. She's nearly 19 weeks now mate . She has got a lovely coat . This is my other bull whippet she is 18 months now
  6. Thanks jetro . Ye she's a first cross I'm really happy with the shape of her she looks a lot more racey than my other bull whippet
  7. My new pup has changed a lot in ten weeks starting to take shape now
  8. Dog is now home now safe and well joined dogs trust get public liability insurance when you join sent over court papers no problem still insured him . Happy days . Thanks for your replys if this ever happens to any one go with dogs trust £25 a year
  9. I think your right foxbolter they have changed a lot of laws recently on dogs I'm sure it was after that girl got killed in her friends house
  10. these would be worth a try nothing to lose https://www.ccc3.co.uk/insurance very helpful and down to earth . Thanks for that mate I will pass it on
  11. I no that most insurance company's won't touch it because it's already bittern that's why I was asking on here hopeing some one might no of a company that would
  12. The police won't give the dog back till public liability insurance is in place it also has to be muzzled in public place and a couple of other conditions the dog is a working dog and has already been away for over five months
  13. Looking for help to find a company that will insure a dog for public liability the dog has bitten some one and the owner has been charge with having a dog that was dangerously out of control . The incident happened in the owners house and the bite was more of a nip . Thanks in advance
  14. Hi was wondering if any one could give me information on how to preseve reptile skin Thanks in advance
  15. Are these birds still about mate
  16. I no mate the first phone call that i got said she was hanging upside down but she broke free before i got there god knows how many times that hapend over the severn days
  17. Thanks mate im made up didnt think i would see her again when there wasnt a sighting for the first five days
  18. Well been spending alot of time manning this bird up shes gone from being completely mad to a nice bird been flying her on creance and been geting a good response so decided to take her to a difrent piece of land to see how she acted she seemed to be ok so atached creance and askd her for a small jump to glove which she did no problem put her back and tried a litle flight some thing spooked her she went off like a rocket over me head creance snaped and she was off . Put posters every where spent every spare min looking for her no sightings for five days then phone went some one had spoted her
  19. Thanks for replys all very help full like i said I made my own and theve been fine . Crowhawker your reply came across like your up Ye own arse didn't no Ye carnt ask for advice on Thl
  20. Thanks for replys decided to try and make my own seem to be ok and was quite easy
  21. Hi just after a bit of help finding decent anklets and jesses for european eagle owl nothing seems to be strong enough any help would be great
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