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Everything posted by pitdawg913

  1. Any dog that I have met from known fighting lines has been absolutely solid with people and children, same with boar hunting pits and pit crosses, the white dog in my pics was extremely dog and animal aggressive yet amazingly gentle and mellow with my son and any child she ever came across. I trusted her 100% with my kid.
  2. From my experience American Pitbull Terriers are some of the BEST dogs I have ever owned!!!! Hands down the most loyal breed and so Damn eager to please its ridiculous. They are crazy hard workers and give ya 200% at anything you ask of them! I would say they are very stable with children and they tend to have a very high pain tolerance to the abuse a kid can give em. My dogs are not really protective at all one of mine will bark at a stranger thru the fence but I guess just the site of them would deter anyone with the wrong intentions. They definitely are not for everyone, they are a very hig
  3. Ive got 2 males, never had an issue with fighting, buddy has a female jack and she fights with everything
  4. Cool pics! Nice looking dogs!!! Idaho huh, your the closest terrier guy to me! wish we were a bit closer to do some hunting together, dont have anyone in Utah workin dogs that I know of!
  5. Im in Utah would love someone to hunt with!
  6. I was able to register but they never activated my account, when I sent them an email asking when it would be activated after asking me why I wanted to join and I explained why they said they would never activate my account!!! Thats why I found this strange!
  7. atleast me starting this thread wasnt a complete waste!
  8. Any ideas why they are so "exclusive"? Im just new to the terrier stuff and want to read and learn as much as possible, I think this is a great site but theres gotta be other ones out there too I would hope!
  9. Does anyone have any info on a site called Gone Digging Terrier Talk? I tried to sign up to it and they wouldnt let me, when I sent them an email the guy was weird about letting me become a member and told me me I would never have my account activated! Any Ideas what the deal is with these guys?
  10. Wonderful pat! What do you hunt with him?
  11. Good lookin workers there! What part of the state you in?
  12. Thanks for the one reply! Was hoping to get some experts to chime in about the recall training.
  13. Hello everyone, I'm new to the board and just recently got my self a nice young little Patterdale! So far I love the little guy! He's a great little dog in the house, great with my other dogs but hes full of fire out in the field! Ive taken him out in some hills close to my place to see what we can find, hes interested in everything but we havent gotten anything besides some mice. I have lots of experience with the bull breeds, own 3 pitbulls, but this is my first "REAL" terrier! Any tips and suggestions on how to get started workin him would be great, He does okay off leash until his nose tak
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