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Everything posted by hornet

  1. Very nice pictures and a very good looking dog
  2. Young dogs if not mature enough will yap and make a right ding dong on their first trips out, not good if your lamping. I normally start by giving them small runs on their own so that it becomes a game, after a few runs I will take them with an experianced dog and let them watch, because they have been out before they are less likely to yap and if they become excited I slip them after slipping the kill dog. I have been fortunate in that all my dogs have not been barkers, in fact our yard was robbed and they never even barked once Training will depend on the dog and its nature and your patie
  3. Hello everyone just thought I would say something as to who and what I am! I am new to the site, was shown it by my son who is also a member. I have hunted all my life with dogs, and was brought up on some good solid rabbit stews. I have an amazing patterdale cross bedlington terrier, who is now confined to spider watch for my wife. I have a very tall saluki/greyound male now 11 years old, and a saluki/greyhound/bull bitch who has had her first litter. I am not an avid forum type of poster but when its with like minded people I guess I dont mind having a bit of a laugh and share experiances
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