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Everything posted by Lloyd90

  1. "Part trained" ... means they probably taught it to sit for a treat. I wouldn't buy anything off the internet etc. If I wanted an older dog I'd only buy it off trainers I know personally as I woudn't trust any f****r. Hence easier to get a pup.
  2. They reckon rabbit fed whole (skin and all) is great for dogs and reduces the need for wormer.
  3. Lamb hearts are offal and I think can make the dog stools looser. A variety of meats needs to be given, as well as roughly 10% bone, and 10% offal (5% liver and 5% other organ/secreting organs). This combo should ensure the dog has everything it needs. I found heart makes mine loose. Adding more bone will firm them up and more offal makes them looser if needed.
  4. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B019EAJ2NW/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B019EAJ2NW&pd_rd_w=ENDhJ&pf_rd_p=1055d8b2-c10c-4d7d-b50d-96300553e15d&pd_rd_wg=NqfT9&pf_rd_r=QP3K59AT5AVV2RC07J4M&pd_rd_r=84e6fb18-4b44-46b2-bc31-afc1a8dbe97c&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExR0hLVVUzVjVaVU5ZJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTY1MTE2TExFSFI3RENPSlJOJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAyMjM1NjZSQ0hOSDIxOThGMFomd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl Is this the same kinda stuff?
  5. I thought the raw bones, as well as egg shells add calcium... perhaps others feeding raw are giving meat only and not bones as well? Liver I believe is full of iron which is added to the food I will try and get some of that keepers mix, what is it and is it any good?
  6. Currently feeding my dog (springer) on DAF raw complete mixes, got different variety of meats, mince with the 10% (sometimes 15% but rarely) bone content and added liver (5%) and other organ meat (5%) to make blocks. I also often add raw green tripe, chicken wings, drumsticks, raw eggs (including shells) and both raw fish like sardines, as well as tinned fish in oil to the dogs diet. I have recently also started adding some kibble to his diet as he was a bit inconsistent on raw only and he has been much better on this. Only give kibble added to the evening meal and add some tree ba
  7. Where's that from? No news coerage yet.
  8. If my Mrs passed I'd dig her up and shoot her again! Just to made sure the bitch is dead! ... don't tell her I said that mind!!
  9. Those complete minces with the bone and offal in them n all?
  10. Any of ya lads get too bored can come build me a tiny little kennel for 2 spaniels ?
  11. No she is a Jones by marriage. Where about in the country are you? Re health testing. I would ideally want parents to be tested, but these days people seem to be bragging about how their dogs are health tested clear, when they might be shit workers. People will advertise litters with long lists of health tests that the parents have passed as if that’s the be all and end all of the decision to buy their pups ... and have almost no mention of the parents working ability. Also as Balaur hinted to, some dogs can be neurotic and wired all the time, whe
  12. I apologise Balaur ... I meant it in jest, just teasing and having a bit of fun not meant to be taken the wrong way. Sorry if it came across like that The point I was trying to make was ... I know a lot of people with very well bred trialling dogs, who are worked very regularly on shoots, beating, picking up, and being shot over. Personally I find people's excuse of their companion being "just a shooting dog", to often be short for a dog that they haven't really trained, a dog that runs in, chases birds into the next drive, doesn't stop when told, and hunts 100 yards ahead
  13. Do trialling dogs work in the office or something? ?
  14. Good work mate ?? Anita Jones has a litter coming up from her bitch that’s run in the championship, Jeremy Organ was planning some litters this summer and Andy Platt and Jamie Reed up in Scotland are both good names but hell of a trip up there. If you don’t trial yourself it can be difficult to get one off the big names, as they want them going to other trial homes who they know will win awards because it gets their kennel names out there. Easier if you want a dog pup as triallers don’t seem so keen on them.
  15. I thought lads on here were dog men ... but who recommends having a pup because of what they look like (or the parents look like) in a picture? ? I wouldn’t give a flying feck what it looked like, or what colour it is!! I’d want it to hunt like a demon, retrieve to hand and work within shot. Id be looking for parents that will hunt cover ... you’d be surprised how many cockers (and springers) are being bred that won’t hunt proper cover (or cover at all). It’s harder for cockers from the off as they’re smaller and less powerful. Then I’d be trying to find o
  16. Lovely stamp on her ... looks very unique How does she work?
  17. Sounds fair mate ?? How long do they get walked for? I think in the season a dog worked hard benefits from a few days off in-between. My spaniel did a full day beating the other week he was knackered for few days afterwards I didn’t do much with him for few days it wasn’t until a good 3 days after he was his usual self nagging me to go out.
  18. How many of you lads are keeping your gundogs in kennels? A bloke I know who’s also a judges says he finds it makes a big difference, do you find it makes them better workers or easier to train? For those of you that do kennel em, how long as they in the kennel and how often / how long are they out for?
  19. View Advert Dogtra ARC 800 Dogtra ARC model 800 - the one with the shaped device so it fits more flush. Pretty much brand new, bought before Xmas, used twice and not needed now. I paid £280, comes in box with all stuff, wanting £220 - Pickup Bristol or can post if money paid into bank. Advertiser Lloyd90 Date 04/02/20 Price £220.00 Category Miscellaneous
  20. There’s a thing called litter mate syndrome, read about it sounds a pain. I got two pups when I was younger within a year of each other. Wish I’d just got one really well trained before getting another. Just trying to help. Feeding wise. My Spaniel gets a bad stomach very easily, and the only foot I found that doesn’t give him loose poops is feeding raw. I use DAF.
  21. Your getting a couple? What does that mean? Two or even three pups at once? You'd be better off getting one and getting that fully trained at around 2-3 year old before you get a second.
  22. Facebook - affordable game days group.
  23. How do you tell what length you need mate? I have a side by side that’s a bit short but no idea how much to add to the butt stock.
  24. Is that just walked next to you on the lead mate? How long / far is that for?
  25. Amazing scenes, bet those dogs do 5x what you cover.
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