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JR Yipp

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Everything posted by JR Yipp

  1. hahahahahaha this has to be someone who actually knows something pretending to be a complete retard!!
  2. im glad you took his post like that!! there's been some fools on here recently but i think your starting to top the pile. you keep thinking you know lots about terriers, one day i hope you do, but its definitely not this day.
  3. yep messer. grow up, read some old posts and learn abit, you may get on a bit better.... 11month old dog at stud... reading up on that wouldnt be a bad place to start.
  4. yep....4. you "proberbly" definitely haven't done anything of the sort. your 37 year old mate states "working patterdale terrier at rats and rabbits but would like to go on a dig at fox with terriers".... so i guess as "fully trained" as yours then. do you know what a messer is?
  5. .....is it hardcore and killed 25 foxes yet? well smashed.
  6. yes i would discriminate against any rough coated plummer like that.... i would have to see it work ALOT to make me think otherwise
  7. also first impression is that that dog is underweight, nothing in this thread has convinced me otherwise. some dogs will run up light but true "fit to work" dogs will hold their weight, not pop bellied after being fed but a nice covering of muscle and condition. truly fit dogs will not waver and they certainly will not look like that. there's some old hands and knowledgeable folk commenting on these facts, perhaps it would be worth considering for the dogs sake, even if you cant admit it to others it would be worth admitting to yourself. makes me wonder what other folks dogs look like or w
  8. about 6 months and or a grand. plus enough quoteable posts to f**k it for everyone. theres a bigger picture than some would do well to look at.
  9. yes foxes live in earths is his point!! amount of dicks using the words set/sett on here is unreal. quit it its a dirty habit. foxes live in earths or perhaps holes. noone on here goes anywhere near any setts unless living abroad.
  10. made by these http://www.realanimalleague.com ........ you do the maths.
  11. correct truth is some folk will never be able to work a dog no matter how good. lots of folk spend the money, hardly work the dog and/or ruin it anyway,but will always tell folk its the best thing ever. poeple who do actually do enough work with dogs will have enough to make a dog or know enough folk to get a good dog. you may buy an ok dog that gets the job done, but generally youll just be kidding yourself. if the rest of the dogs in your kennels are that bad or pups youve bred or bought in are not turning out properly then buying a "made" dog is the least of your worries. trying t
  12. simonman we all ready know your a freak.... algie perv, stop trying to be a diplomatic mod, it dosent suit you. love fish.... infact i have an 's style pimp tank... just cant stand twats
  13. I am qualified in animal management, i worked in the trade for two years, I have since spent every day on a fish forum reading articles from some of the best fishkeepers in the world and giving out advice on forums. my info being wrong? what so i got the size of a fish slightly out what was incorect about anything else i said? If you must know i had a pretty rough time where i had to move area twice and have since had all sorts of jobs. Who are you to judge me or tell me what to do? Who are you to tell me if i can or cant comment on a forum? or spread my opinion on a matter? NO ONE so go f**k
  14. you need to get your employer to put his hand in his pocket and buy you a new one. i know where that ones been!!! they wont stretch to your prices....but i have a man on it! passed your door the other morning but i think you were just having a morning role
  15. will give you 20 quid for the quad box and get it tomorrow
  16. I am qualified in animal management, i worked in the trade for two years, I have since spent every day on a fish forum reading articles from some of the best fishkeepers in the world and giving out advice on forums. my info being wrong? what so i got the size of a fish slightly out what was incorect about anything else i said? If you must know i had a pretty rough time where i had to move area twice and have since had all sorts of jobs. Who are you to judge me or tell me what to do? Who are you to tell me if i can or cant comment on a forum? or spread my opinion on a matter? NO ONE so go f**k
  17. "hey I am just a fish biology specialist, what do i know" you mean ichthyology you worked in a fish shop, you now apparently work on a farm whiles not getting your kit off, your 18 and your a specialist despite some of your info being wrong regarding your joker round...... i think its time to go off and try and grow up again. your not fooling anyone, not even non specialist this time around!
  18. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/round-mouth-shovel-/320665421704?pt=UK_Home_Garden_GardenEquipment_HandTools_SM&hash=item4aa9260788
  19. you have to pass "the hunting life ignoramus typing test first". then the mods will open the upload feature for you
  20. you are aware of the investigations and prosecutions through Barbour after the lorry theft around Christmas aren't you word is most were found in theiving paki shops in northern england. obviously you have nothing to do with this and will be on the correct side when/if barbour might come'a knocking
  21. i have one similar with both springs but is rusty and dosent have much springy tension left.interestingly i found it in a wood, buried but set. had been there a very very long time.
  22. 42 to 45 inches looks about right, anything more looks front heavy.
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