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JR Yipp

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Everything posted by JR Yipp

  1. really? i work it at about 250 rails. and 160 odd posts. or in my terms about £4000. not bad for 3 days work.
  2. like the photography section
  3. google images ?? it was a joke about darcy and checking up on google images....he wouldnt know a lesser spotted reedless warbler from a greater crested lesser warbler. clearly wasted
  4. JR Yipp

    FAO: MOO

    did it take long for you to teach him that wilfred?
  5. sorrrrrrry aboot me spellings, its haaard to tipe when your stil wunning..... ewe wont caaatch meeeeeeeeeeeee. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. JR Yipp

    stihl 075

    sorry just assumed you didnt as couldn't get it runing. i can assume youve done all the run of mill things then. ie clean filters/carb, checked rings. check on the back of the carb, there will be a black pipe ensure it hasent perished and is connected with no air holes.if not i would strip it bit by bit from there and check seals very carefully, even a small crack will effect.
  7. JR Yipp

    stihl 075

    f*****g big saw for someone who doesn't do much with saws!! does it have good compression?
  8. cleanlyness is the most important thing with any wound. invest in some hibiscrub and intrasite gel.
  9. JR Yipp


    and he shat in some bags but being old forgot to post them... his van frigin stinks.
  10. twats as for giving up on the big dogs.... the closest i came was this litter, and then help some mates out. thats gratitude for you as for show dogs wilf... my bro should know. you of all folk know where they would end up and i only keep some shite wilf, you and your lover levs seem to max out on it. however credit where credits due now levs has set the standard and seen the legend that is specs perform hes been getting through a few to reach his goal. just for the record i actual quite like these dogs, for now but you know where i like to make my judgements!!..........
  11. its not the collie line in them that i had my concerns about
  12. hows that litter of plummers coming on, you should advertise them here.

  13. im doing a climb for charity... im getting big money as the challenge is almost impossible..... i will need your nose on the 29th of june please.

  14. hes not, hes boring as f**k and spends most of his time looking for "moths" and digging rabbits .... aparently i have also met lots of members, most are good lads a select few are now good mates... but alot are still messers and alwyas will be
  15. as above, what members on here would you like to meet and reasons for doing so. i will start with.. stabs.. heard good things from trusted friends and seems to be a straight knowledgeable guy stiffmiester... meant to be a good laugh and a gent. inan.... seems a considered knowledgeable bloke. molly... i like hillbilly's markbrick... i think he just needs a hug
  16. dillon..... to tell some northern tales of the good old days fellman.... to translate these tales and add a glow to the room wilf....... every party needs a messer to have the piss taken out of them. hes also a gent and will hold the door for all the ladies that would definitely turn up moo........ because his attitude with dogs and people is similar to mine...... most are shite darcy...... his nose is an excellent conversation piece simonman... he thrives in the company of greatness and is the only person i know that has publicly shagged a sheep so has top lad points
  17. how difficult would a spare seat by you guys be?
  18. JR Yipp


    a very open topic. any info on backhoe loaders would be appreciated from fellas that use them regularly. ie your opinions on best makes models. for general farm/site/contracting use. have only ever used a jcb 3cx.
  19. please pm me
  20. a dog called sid. a brindle hancock dog that would catch up with everythig but that was it, dont think it ever even pulled a bunny yet was kept like a king. there are lots of shiet dogs, but more shite owners. like good dogs take time, some dogs can be made shite by bad owners.
  21. hindsight is a wondeful thing. if you really thought about it you wouldnt reply to anything on here, but sometimes the chase, and bolt are worth it.
  22. Never mind the brown nosers, it looks like there is a green eyed monster around as well......its a veritable rainbow of emmotions Me and Dillon was laughing about this thread today, and to coin a phrase.....those in The Know, know! both working hard as normal then......... you know!
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