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JR Yipp

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Everything posted by JR Yipp

  1. their grey x suluki with a fair bit of terrier and the odd farm collie chucked in
  2. how about let it find it on its own... then you may have something to be going on with.
  3. well if shes shit no one will chore her :laugh: :laugh: this much is true
  4. seen the dog run. was a crock of shit wouldnt of given 50p for it let alone that price.... for a dog, id keep spending on them drugs instaed.
  5. im very concerned for your children's well being and suggest you ring the local authorities and explain that your lass is upset that her children are being filmed and that the kids are aware of the cameras and its affective their home life.
  6. you still spouting this bullshit!!! lack of knowledge but talking like you know is a dangrous thing. as for plummers, im sure there fine for what they a bred for.
  7. what the kennel club accredited breeder? do you work for the puppy farmer or actually intrested? either way they have no place here.
  8. none of this is correct apart from the nice pups bit
  9. meaning only good birds will produce those results. well fed on the correct diet and in good condition. hobby incubators are a very good fun tool but can vary greatly between machines even, its just a case of getting it correct for the machine you have, some will always be better than others. im currently running 2 r-com pros, 1 definitely gets better results than the other although both are on auto and running the same eggs on same settings. 1 also uses alot more water than the other. i did find that the brinsea type rockers (i ran several at the same time at busy times)benefited from
  10. i would say 10/12 is more about how you keep your birds than the inucbator
  11. correct, i just dont think the price difference is worth it. at busy times i get through over 250 .22 bullets a week and can get good deals on them. 17 are that much more expensive. my subs and hv of different brands i may add will go through my CZ with 2 inch difference at 75 yards. on the same latitude, i can cope with this and work with it to good affect.
  12. it is possible if you experiment with bullets and know how your rifle works to get both .22 subs and .22 hv to be very accurate through the same rifle.
  13. and they rang you for more bait? how rude.
  14. look at them pipes in the 3rd pic down, someones got lucky there
  15. here is a quote from one of the recomended puppy peddlers............. ."here is a seven week old male I also have his sister, looks just like him. They are both full of drive especially the male. big heads, beautiful bold pups. $500."
  16. Im not going. Wilf is judging the terriers, will be a f*****g mess.
  17. living with a pigmy goat was ok.... forcing it to marry you and have "moth" kids is just worng

  18. only use metacam if you really need to. should not be used unless you really know what your doing.
  19. Cant use the phone either............. :tongue2: I agree his texting skills are poor, i would think he was blanking me but being a mod i know impresses him...... hahaha you know!! easily impressed text me again, when i deleted the " messers with issues" folder on my phone i lost it. so if leveller and fellman can also txt me it would be useful.
  20. Whats that supposed to mean? i think its ment to mean your a twat with no decent dogs, not even wanky terriers we concur he does have good dogs they have even been in books i cant read
  21. Whats that supposed to mean? i think its ment to mean your a twat with no decent dogs, not even wanky terriers we concur
  22. and fencing at good rates.... and local to dog gone
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