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JR Yipp

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Everything posted by JR Yipp

  1. :secret: Get a room! Top pic;s H Got any MOTH pic's . . . . . Not really my style . . .. i'm all about the action . . . . . bugs bore me! are you sure its the bug and not the weanie gimpy gingerness?!?!
  2. if u read it says after couple of foot it bolted i think you just bolted in to the net mate!! [/quotethink what u want but i no what happened and we were on digging when it bolted so if u havent got any thing worth saying why bother there is to many dick heads on here wanting to call people when they dont no what there on about your not very good at reading between the lines or infact thinking about what hes been writen. thankfully bedrock was kind enough to put it in to laymans terms.
  3. working one dog might help with this problem.
  4. if u read it says after couple of foot it bolted i think you just bolted in to the net mate!!
  5. when is your dvd showing the right way to do it comeing out? or anyone else's that have slaged it? and as people have sed there is not a better dvd out!! there wont be one, making a good one would be very difficult. but making a bad one seems very easy indeed. if you believe that baiting a fox and then chucking it to several lurchers achieves anything then im afraid you shouldn't be keeping lurchers.but then to film it is just daft. i have more respect for my quarry and sport then to glorify it in a showcase of armature antics. edited to add i have watched a dvd of a cou
  6. when is your dvd showing the right way to do it comeing out? or anyone else's that have slaged it? and as people have sed there is not a better dvd out!! there wont be one, making a good one would be very difficult. but making a bad one seems very easy indeed. if you belive that baiting a fox and then chucking it to several lurchers achieves anything then im afraid you shouldn't be keeping lurchers.but then to film it is just daft. i have more respect for my quarry and sport then to glorify it in a showcase of amature antics. edited to add i have watched a dvd of a coupl
  7. its like a dvd of how not to do things. and even worse some of you muppets who think your lurchermen think its the way to go on. as for the dogs, from the dvd they look very average. but this maybe as much to with the owners.
  8. dtm here you massive gimp. what do you make of these, i think yummy, not far from my dwellings!!
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