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Everything posted by barrywhite

  1. matt hook ..... cost me very little have the kit lying around .I wanted to try a ram to see for my self .I was warned of the problems by a large gunshop in west london they now have nothing to do with rams because of the problems . I read different things on the net good and bad.so I tryed for my self .What happened was what I was told would happen by the gun shop.When it was working it was fine. it still shots at 10.9 ftlbs + .But it is failing leaking oil and lost 3/4 s of a ftlbs.I then wanted to try a well tuned spring . the spring is better to shot even if the ram was working fine the wel
  2. barrywhite, on 04 March 2011 - 10:04 PM, said: gas rams are rubbish .After a few mounths of heavy uses my 177 ram will be fine in a 22 because it lost power .Went back to spring MUCH better. You got a bad ram. Send it back to the supplier and get them to replace it! A gas ram is a better power source than a spring. The recoil doesn't have the bounce that a spring rifle does, and is basically straight. They are also a lot quieter than most springers, and you can leave them cocked without too much risk. Don't write all gas rams off because you got a dodgy one! I have an ol
  3. I had a problem with over penitration once I killed two rabbits with one shot .177 defiant
  4. Posted Today, 06:46 PM Hmmm If you had 2 lumps of lead, one in .177, one in .22 moving at the same speed.... Either you'd have one rather underpowered .177 rifle and they could hardly weigh the same now surely, in these two markedly different sizes. OR the .22 has been fired by an FAC level of air energy in order to match the speed of the sub 12 ft/lb .177 So.. in either scenario the .22 will retain more kinetic energy. No matter what the bloody colour of the tin! ................ the 22 would have to be a shorter and fatter projectile than the 177 being thiner and longer an
  5. If you had 2 lumps of lead weighing the same .moving at the same speed .one in 177 one in 22 .the only differance being calliber size .the 177 will retain more energy . A bis mag in 177 or 22 have two things in common .they are in a green tins with bisley mag written on them .
  6. using chairgun .600 FT per sec as a good pellet speed for hunting .15 grain as a pellet weight in 177 and 22 .At 70 yards a 177 exterminator fac has more power than 22 bisley super field .Proving to me a 177 can retain more energy than a 22.The 177 having a better BC . This is only for 12 ftlbs .
  7. I think it has to be a silent fac air gun with a nightsight .Asuming they were shot at night .
  8. gas rams are rubbish .After a few mounths of heavy uses my 177 ram will be fine in a 22 because it lost power .Went back to spring MUCH better.
  9. That is the piont if the gun is loaded and you just take out the mag the gun is still loaded unless you shoot it.to someone with a NEW GUN the mistake of not shooting it is possible and the fact he pionts a gun at someone shows he has little experiance with guns.
  10. Just when you think all the air gun cr*p has ended all we have to do is lock our guns up ,all this s**t hits the fan .The school in Scotland ,mans eye in Glasgow,footballer and this .But if these feats of lunacy were performed by piss heads in cars ,as they are every day ,they wont make it to the press.
  11. Just playing devils advocate .I have a friend who works at the Chelsea grounds he often tells me about a bloke that comes in to shot the pigeons from time to time .So an air gun in that enviroment is not that strange .Also I think not knowing that a pcp airgun with a mag is loaded is possible .With a spring gun it is more obvious because you have to cock the gun with effort and put a pellet in the breach rather than just pull a little lever .BUT A GOLDEN RULE DONT PIONT A GUN AT ANY ONE WAS NOT FOLLOWED .I think the big problem is the news papers are making a big thing out of it at airgun user
  12. DONT PUT A GAS RAM IN GUN .I had one once worked great for a while then it leaked oil and gas .I was warned of this by a good gun shop .I had to know for my self so i got one rubbish .I have since fitted a titan spring with a tight spring guide made of derlin ,and a top hat made of polished harden steel that can rotate on a ptfe dic in the piston .less sound and kick than the gas ram much better by far.
  13. The TV ,news papers ect will now be filled with how dangerous air guns are and to stop more deaths they must be locked up .The fact that scateboards and bikes are more dangerous will be ignored .It is just a question of time before an other inccerdent with an air gun happens . You cannot legislate to stop morons . So when it does happen the anti gun brigade can then say LOCKING UP DANGEROUS AIR GUNS DOSENT WORK .The genaral public will have to agree .More control is needed ect ect ect ect .
  14. what is the pcp gun is it .It may not be regulated and you are not alowing for a power cuve .
  15. Years ago i had a hw 35 it was crap .The barrel locking had to besorted .I have a bsa lightning that now shoots great but it didn,t the crown was a joke .My mates gamo cfx is a great gun shoots accuratly and full power from new .
  16. If the gun shoots accuratly and hits hard , and you can shoot it .It dosen t matter what the gun cost or what logo is on the gun.
  17. I had one .it is a poorly made fore the money it costs .It was over powered with heavy pellets .So to set the power with heavy pellets at 12 ftlbs it would shoot averadge weights pellets at about 10 ftlbs .I made a plastic and brass hammer that would ride on the polished barrel rather than the standared hammer that rattles down the tube it sits in , to improve shot to shot consistance.and a ptfe spring guide for hammer spring .With this done the gun shot ok .It is uncomfortable to shoot and the scope is high of the barrel .I have sold the gun now i think you could get a better gun for the cost
  18. OK shot air gun at 13 and 25 yards .put different mounts different hights with scope just on the left or right side of gun by a fraction .[Which all but the very best fitted mounts will only remove] .The gun always shots 5mm to the left at 25 yards .I will try at a longer range next week to see if the inaccurace can be lived with.I fell the problem has to be the the front lense of the scope that has to be turned for different ranges .I could be wrong but i dont think I am . Any comments wellcome.
  19. just put on new mounts .sight apperars to be in the center of gun .have only shot it at 13 yards .see what happens when i get some time to shot at 25 yards+.
  20. HALA MOROSE I have not taken to many long shots to do this i have to go to my friends .At 13 and 25 yards [with no wind ]I have taken a lot of shots all the pellets are in the same holes .At 13 yards a few mm right at 25 yards a few mm high left .I have to fix the problem at close range first. The long shots were taken quickly with failing light to get an idea of what was happerning.So what i beive to be happerning at 50 and 65 may not be that correct .
  21. MATT...HOOKS .I have looked at the scope on the gun it is a bit to the right side of gun more than the left .by a few mm .but straight in line with barrel.if allow for this .and mess with the scopes vertical line I may have some sucsess .This is if it as you say not possible for the scope to be out.This is nice to know .
  22. PIPA....... I am guessing just thinking I havent got the range to try I have to go to my mates farm 100 miles away .So I feel it my be possible to correct the longer range errors by zeroing at a longer range say 35 yards and correct the 65 yard error by rotating the scope a little .and put up with the closer range inaccuraces and ajust shooting .not having the range time and pellets right now .may be someone else knows.
  23. I have rotated the scope clockwise and anticlockwise a few degrees and had no real change .Only shot gun at 13 and 25 yards .Zeroed in at 13 yards .
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