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Everything posted by barrywhite

  1. They may shoot straight threw rabbits if you can hit them .I had some it 22 they were very inacurate.
  2. Ok .I like to use light 177 domed wasted pellets .I find they are accurate as they should be .I have never realy tested the heavy bullet shaped pellets like defiant 15 grain or the logan penetrators ect at a long range .Has any one?I would like to know what they are like.I have used bisley magnums 177 I find them ok but they are a wasted pellet .I imagine the non wasted pellets to be poor in sub 12 air guns at long range.
  3. When you fill your gun to say to 190 bar it has less power than when the gun is down to 140 bar say.At 190 bar the gun is at the start of its power curve at 140 bar it is at the top of power curve.SO that may give a different piont of impact .So only fill gun to 150 bar and refill at 120 bar ,guns differ this is an exaple.Also silencer on and of can give a different piont of impact the weight of the silencer will give a different harmonic to the barrel when you shoot.I feel your original drop was due to a loss of power after fill and the impact piont rise was due to musel flip due to no weight
  4. Has any one mounted a yukon [or similar] monocular to the front of a scope.The lens that you look threw on the yukon monocular can be removed easily.I would think with the correct lens or something the monocular could be turned into something like the ...atn ps 22..not as good but a lot cheaper ,good enough for rabbits with air gun.Or is it impossible
  5. wash clothes in bicarbonate of soda .I have washed mine by hand in a bucket ,to fill the washing machine may take a lot of soda.
  6. I had a stealth .cheaply made .You have to set the power well low 10.5 or less with normal weight pellets because with heavy pellets the gun will go over 12 no problems.It gave me a stiff neck when shooting for a time .I did get the gun to shoot accuratly after making a ride on the barrel hammer and polishing the barrel .GET AN S400 ect cheaper and a lot bettter unless you like to mess with a gun .
  7. air arms field [a bit slow but lots of power] or rws superdome would be a good start .I have never tryed defiant in a 22 but in 177 they are very good in a lot of my spring guns .But for sure it has to be a domed pellet.
  8. nothing can be made 100 percent the same so when you make somthing there has to be a tolerance + or - .So all the pellets will work 551,552,553,554 in a 22 barrel but some may work better than others.the difference in size .03 OF A MM .
  9. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/JSR-TARGET-PRO-6-24x44-PX-ADJUST-MIL-DOT-RIFLE-SCOPE-/230407758113?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item35a55f6121
  10. a very good scope I have and very cheap for what it does [55 quid] .Was bought from J S Ramsbottom ,EBay .The Ramsbottom scopes seem good value .target plus 6x24 magnification mil dot .On the box it says crystal clear down to 10 yards ,it is .I have not tryed the scope on a spring gun that dosent mean it wont work.
  11. I dont think the air cylinder is big enough to get more power than 12 ftlbs .A stronger spring will just make the gun recoil .The extra powerfull ox spring will just cause wear and tear on the gun .If the spring gets to strong you will lose power because the piston will bounce back before the pellet has left the gun .If your gun is shooting better with washers it may be shooting at the max power now .The gun was made to be a 12 ftlbs gun . So to get the gun to shoot well at 12ftlbs is the best you can do .To get more power you need a different gun.
  12. Nor me anyway , gays use .22 ........... Grow up. Buster 321c I also think you should grow up ,even if your theory on 22 users appears to be true.
  13. If you have the same guns and or they use the same connectors it would be a little easeyer you wont have to keep changing connectors.keep all the connectors and hoses very clean no dust or grit at all.
  14. 100 percent with you ..................... I think the .22 myth started years ago when the daddys on the block were BSA supersports or webley mark 3 s .Hitting a 10 ftlbs in 22 but with the 177 only hitting 9 ftlbs .With open sights only, your range was 25 yards .The .22 in this case is king ..........But to day with both calibers hitting 12 ftlbs teiscopic sights and pcp the 177 is king [at 12ftlbs].and the mythical hard hitting properties of .22 can now be acheved with a heavy 177 pellet in a pcp gun ......A bit piontless as a light 177 will kill a rabbit dead at 50 yards even if you aim for
  15. I would make or get someone two make an adapter for a silencer .like the hw77 adapter . got to be better.and less effort.
  16. get a scope with mil dots or similar with good mounts .look down the scope to see that the scope is clear and not foggy .Also see if the parallax is set to say 35 yards or can be adjusted for shooting close.Its better to have a scope with parallax adjustment than big magnification .To have big magnification and parallax adjustment on a scope costs more.
  17. They must be called THUNDERBOLT pellets because they have the predictability and acuracy of a thunderbolt .Its a pitty they dont have the power aswell .
  18. warm water on dent .may remove it
  19. When you say loud .Is there a loads of smoke and burning oil smell .
  20. They might mean QUORN .Only fungi are killed .So thats ok
  21. I have had and have got similar problems with some guns and sights.So I zero the gun at 35 yards..22,45 yards .177.and except that at a very close ranges the gun is slightly out.For hunting this is not a big problem.just annoying.
  22. super domes would be a good place to start .A good all round pellet and not to pricey .Air arms field,JSB exact,fx,all the same pellets in a different tin although a little heavy can be good and leave the gun with a lot of power I find.Only good in 22 from a spring gun the soft lead cannot take the shock from the spring piston in 177 I feel .I could be wrong. Wasp are rubbish and you have two tins to choose from bad or realy bad.Old wasp pellets are supposed to be good .Defiant pellets in 177 I have had good results in my spring guns.(but not in a webley mark 3 )All of my spring guns in 177 sh
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