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Everything posted by barrywhite

  1. I got one of these a bit heavy the case ,I got the 120 degree I think not the 30 degree... 30 Deg 60M 2W High-Power Outdoor 850nm IR Illuminator..http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/30-Deg-60M-2W-High-Power-Outdoor-850nm-IR-Illuminator-/200625888214?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb63c1bd6
  2. just use out of tin .they should work fine .most likely very good.
  3. On a 77 to change caliber you would have to change the barrel and the air cylinder ,the piston moves in.They are made as on piece .It would be possible to change just the barrel I guess but that would be hard to do and expensive ,just buy another gun would be better.Also if you did get a cylinder and barrel of your choise ,you must get the correct cylinder size old cylinders are a different size to the new cylinders .177 and 22 pistons are the same .The cost of a barrel alone $$$$ you could get a second hand gun in a poor state and fix it up ,in the caliber of your choise and get a better resu
  4. When I look on the net at people using the nitesite 50 it is always pcp guns . I was wondering has any one used them on a spring gun ? I feel that nitesite would get shaken about to much and the wieght differance may upset the gun hold sesitivity when dealing with the reciol .
  5. Dont bother .A well tuned good quality spring is better.A spring as the add says may loose power from the start but the gasrams loose air .The guarantee is six mounths I think for gasrams I wonder why.They do shoot well for a short time and you have to chop your gun about a little to fit it nice .You have been warned I was but like the bloke in the clint eastwood film IZ GOT TO KNOW .
  6. thanks for imfo wanted to make this for years .but didnt no what camera .I did try a spy camera but not low lux enough .I did think wide angle lens would not work .16 mm is what I needed to know.
  7. If it is a big problem and you have money to spend and you have to kill rabbits industrialy theoben mark 2 .177 .If it can be done a bit more leisurely with less money hw 97k or aa s400 .177 ...177 in 12 ftlbs has the same trajectory as a 25 ftlbs 22 .and a 177 at 12 ftlbs will stop a rabbit a 90 yards with a head shot.
  8. So what if gun and silencer[glued on]were longer than24 inches ??????.I belive it was once as long as the barrel was over 12 inches thats fine the stock can be any length .Or if the stock is a full stock the barrel can be any length .But now who knows .......how long is a ratcatcher .
  9. I do wonder if maybe you gun is not loading properly. The hammer may not be being held properly in the correct position.So some hammer strokes differ from others .The guns change in fill pressure should not effect the guns ability to load .It could be grit or something in the mecanisum ,or something loose or worn.
  10. I dont think that break is threaded on looking at the picture .If you get it of it may be permiant .Heat it with hot water and pull ???????may be or cut it of .It may be better to get a better gun and leave the value max as is.You could make a silencer to fit over the break out of pipe or tube .If you get the break off you will have to get a silencer that slips on the end of your barrel.
  11. If there is a lot of noise from the spring a tight fitted top hat and spring guide made of derlin MAY help a bit .You will always get some niose from spring gun .Tape a load off pill bottles or cardbord tubes ect to make a crap tempery silentcer ,or hold gun up to a cusion and shot .Then you will know how much sound is coming from your spring.
  12. I have both if I had to choose .Pump .Something may change my mind . Get a dry pack if you get pump and silicon or molykote grease for the pump
  13. I just started using falcon accurace a lot of dented skirts .I did fine a way to fix them I have found a little biro pen from bookies or argos type .I push the rounded end of pen into the back of the pellet refoming the skirt .I havent tested the pellets to much yet.Has any one else done this ?
  14. Is your barrel held tight in your action .
  15. Are the turrets on the scope tight. I had a scope that the turrets were held by a screw .The screw came loose the gun started shooting bad .Then the screw came out to late .If I had noticed the loose screw I may have tightend it up .are your lenses tight sometimes the ring that holds them comes loose.Have you knocked the end of your barrel or damaged the crown in any way. Have you tryed cleaning your barrel.Is your guns power consistant..
  16. what gun is the scope on a spring gun or unregulated pcp .A spring gun could be shaking your scopes guts that have come loose .An unregulated pcp has a power curve are you allowing for.
  17. I would get if you want multiy shot a hw 100 it has a regulator .If you like air arms I would get s400 it is single shot but that has advantages you can de cock the gun if what you aim at runs of ,messing with magazines can be a pain and cheaper than the hw 100 .
  18. if the gun shoots accurately and can be repaired cheapish the gun should be ok .This barrel shorterning has the barrel just been saw of or has it been finish well .If the barrels end were the pellet comes out is not perfect the gun will not shoot well.So this will have to be done.But if you have been bitten by the air gun bug and want to shoot rabbits ect get a hw 97k 177 all round good gun .If you want to blow up cans in the back garden now and then fix the eclips
  19. they have the same trigger as the omega I have taken mine apart a few times .A big problem I had was it would not set the trigger when it was cocked .I did get it to work for a while by bashing the cocking dog a little .but I feel the problem is there is to much play between the piston and the cilinder wall .So the cocking dog dosent work it dosent seem long enough ,I solved this problem by tighterning the piston in the cilinder by putting derlin buttons in the end of the piston .So when the gun is cocked the piston pushes the cocking dog fully and sets the trigger .It looks like you can sti
  20. you are lucky .there is a disc that blows out if the bottle gets to much pressure .so dont over fill again .might not be so lucky
  21. http://ukchineseairgunforum.myfreeforum.org/about1584.html
  22. your gun is a copy of a weihranch or 95 I think ,there is lots of imformation on how to take hw guns apart on net .also the chinese air gun site...ukchineseairgunforum..
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