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Everything posted by barrywhite

  1. fx owners could help. Looking at pictures ect , it looks like the front bottle part screws of like a hw 100 or a buddy bottle on a theoben .I turned my front cylinder on my fx a little just to see if it moved and with no air in the gun it rotated esey just a bit to see.tThe bit where the filler goes unscrews from the body of the little front bottle .Then you can replace o rings.Look on fx owners also the fx gladiator is similar .I have a verminator never had to fix it yet .just put in a new breech seal that was a little worn .
  2. I have a nvrs gen 1 night scope .under 25 yards the picture is very bad ,I have improved my close range picture by putting a round piece of cardboard with a 15mm hole in the center but I have to increase the IR light.My question is does the doubler lense you can attatch improve the close range picture .?does it act like a Adjustable Objective lense ? someone on you tube suggests the doubler improves the close range picture what is your experiance .thanks.
  3. I guess these pellets are like logun penetrators .Is this pellet pellet shape any good in sub 12 ftlbs guns ? never realy tryed these pellets only used them for testing a guns power .I think this pellet shape must be so so ,no one seeme to rate pellets with this shape .By rate I mean hit a target at a long range ,not club the c..p out of a rat at 10 feet.
  4. If you are pulling the gun apart .take some weight of off the hammer?????? or cut some coils of the hammer spring .By over 12 do you mean a little or a lot ,if it is a little cutting some of the spring will work .If it is a little maybe there is nothing wrong with the diischarge pin what ever that is the gun just needs a little adjustment .
  5. I have made a silencer on a lathe .a large empty tube on a ssp the tube has a bigger volume than the air cylinder and the bits that block the end and screw to the barrel have been made quite accurately .The gun is used from a seated position so size is no problem .It works well quite and accurate.I wonder if putting all this hair curlers and crude baffles out of washer ect may help to make the gun inaccurate as the pellet move through the silencer, and the pellet encounters uneven eddies .So I thought I would make a silencer a big can with tight as possible hole for the pellet to come out .
  6. the lasers I have used are to bright but you can choke of the light with card ,tape.and paper ect by blocking of the light and just let a small amount of light through .also the cheap lasers and some that have adjustment like a scope are no good on spring guns .you have to get a good laser that adjust with 4 allen screws .I have not tryed all the lasers that in existence .
  7. ..............5 hours is rowlocks when my hard drive gave up it must have taken a day and night to reinstall loads of fun .
  8. one assumes it was an idiot ,but what if it is someone trying to give airguns bad press .
  9. The trigger on mine was due to a under size piston I think .the noise could be due to a bent or broken spring or the spring guide may be broken or come loose.
  10. I have an omega it shoots well but it did have problems to start .does your guns trigger work fine when you cock the gun does the trigger engage properly? every time.
  11. If you could get a good gun like a hw ,air arms or an old webley mark 3 bsa air sporter or such .that still works well but the finish has been destroyed by weather and or time. Or spend more on a gun ...a good tin of pellets is around a tenner .
  12. and pellets testing 90 100 120 150 190 bar after every mod .I must of shot my body weight in pellets testing mine .The thing I like about the stealth most was the stiff neck I got shooting it after quite a short time of use.
  13. [pressed wrong button] I do wish it had a bit more magnification sometimes when using the scope .If the scope has mil dots at low magnification the scope would be no use to me,but my eyes are getting bad .My 1.5 -5 mag scope has a duplex cross hair and I only use it 25 to 35 yards.
  14. I have different scopes one has 1.5 -5 magnification I
  15. Make sure you write about your stealth antics I need a laugh .If you wont a pcp air arms s 400 it is single shot like a stealth but unlike a stealth it isn,t crap.
  16. I have a 3-9x40 mildot endurance I like the scope .I have it on a 97k .sited the scope in once shot 1000s and 1000s of pellets the gun is still bang on .
  17. L.E.M Spitzer moulds - poor accuracy results, becoming rare, none found in .177, production long ceased.
  18. As many people would have been killed on the roads in america on that day ,some by insane speeding drivers .No one calls for a car ban ,there are people like my self who have never owned a car .So you dont have to have a car .No one will be shot tomorrow in a mass shooting ,but plenty of people some of them CHILDREN will be killed by insane speeding drivers .The hole colerado shooting is a bad thing but it has a lot of hype to .How many people are being killed in the phoney wars of late .In afganistan iraq libia ect 12 dead only would be a good day for them.
  19. does any one know the size of the breech seal o ring for fx verminator 177 mark 1 .Looking at the gun it looks like bs 008 just to big bs 007 just to small.Looking on the fx site maybe a o ring size of 4.3 x 1.5 mm but cannot find that size any where .Looking on chambers no luck either .
  20. defiant . head size ????? or super domes is where I would start.
  21. The cheapo one will work if you fill the field your shooting in with golf pin flags
  22. If the range finder is a cheap one that uses the golf flag post to mesure your distance then no good .if it is a laser range finder with the word golf written on it then that will work .
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