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Everything posted by barrywhite

  1. stealths are very easy guns to disassemble and adjust and fix .They are really hard to get a nice consistent shot from under 12 ftlbs .If you want to wast time and money stick with the stealth .If you want to get a grounding in the workings of pcp air guns you will get that trying to make your stealth operate properly [not a total loss] .almost any gun has to be better than a stealth, an S 200 is on the short list of top guns ,after a bit of experience I know which gun I would get. even though I have never shot a S 200 .AAs400 ..s410 I have shot they are very good guns and compared to a stea
  2. I see the population controlling mass media has your vote. It gets my vote when the concern for the daily bombing of children in all these fake wars gets the same coverage .Like Dunblane tony blair used the death of children to great effect but little mention of the countless children in Afghanistan or Iraq .also with the gun law in the uk a present, what can stop a person who owns a legal fire arm or two going to the local school and shooting many children.The gun nuts in the usa would say if a teacher had a gun in there pocket that would help .[at present it is illegal for a teacher to have
  3. I see these idiots also used a car .cars kill more people each year than small arms ,there are more small arms on the planet than cars .I hope when these idiots are caught there driving licences are removed for life .[i dont think so] this will be hyped up like any thing with the word gun .
  4. the new guns called bsa meteors are Spanish/gamo .A bsa meteor is an old English gun made buy bsa .the real bsa meteors are a solid little break barrels the new bsa meteors are not .I would think a mark 2 would be from the 60s or a good few year back .The person saying mark 1 or 2. mark 1 he is stating the older bsa s mark 2 he is stating the new rubbish from gamo may be.
  5. aa s400 for a basic single shot gun .hw 100 if you want a regulated and a magazine .
  6. At night the most quite pcp still spooks rabbits once the shot is taken .
  7. I havent done the maths exact but I guess .If some one threw a bag of sugar at you 2lbs weight it will be moving at 6ft per sec you could catch it but a pellet half the weights and half the dia of a 177 will be moving at 2000 ft per sec the pellet will go straight threw you.If someone can do the exact maths I would be grateful or can understand what I have just written .This is just to demonstrate a big pellet or a small pellet at 12 ft lbs
  8. 60 sounds fine .I would not bother with the shop .Just shoot the gun ,you have to get used to the trigger and the bong sound in your ear .there is a trigger replacement I think on the net somewhere but at great cost .The one thing that is good about the cfx is it shoots well for a cheap gun. Trying to improve the trigger is a bit silly just get a better gun with a better trigger .
  9. if you mean cfx my friend has one .It shoots well but it has a lot of travel in the trigger and the hollow plastic stock makes the gun a little loud .If you were on a budget it is ok I would spend a little more and get hw97k,hw77,or a tx200.The cfx is definitely usable and quite a good gun for the cost.
  10. 177 has the edge at 12 ftlbs .800 to 850 ft per sec possible with light pellets.Shooting close to 850ft per sec has to be the best .In reality 820 ft per sec may be max speed of pellet .A fast light pellet when shooting rabbits ect has plenty of power down range to do the job also a fast pellet gets there quicker giving quarry less time to move after you have taken the shot.Some were on the net there is some one trying to shoot rats with a 12 ftlbs .25 pcp with little luck, they move when they hear the shot coming .Also 177 is cheaper .I shoot both 177 and 22 so it dosent matter to me .If I h
  11. I like how in the very informative bbc with in a few lines they say ..assaults are committed impulsively prompted by alcohol and drugs ... so for a better world lets blunten all knives and get drugged up safely .12 inch screw drivers.Or broken bottles the weapons used for the murder of the poster boys some years back when tougher knife controls were brought in.What happens if you get pissed up and your beer comes in a bottle.I new of jimmy savils status some 15 years ago of off a van driver .So the bbc has its finger on the pulse
  12. bad pellets ..loose scope ..loose barrel ...loose gun in stock...inside of scope loose ..action not shooting consistently pellet speed varies...the way you hold and shoot the gun is incorrect ...dirty barrel ..damaged barrel crown .. also a bad trigger .there may be more reasons .
  13. close range up trees at pigeons or squirrels or close range rats [rat catcher] bit low power but accurate.If you got a goodish quality spring gun shooting at 11.5 ftlbs you would be better of .177 but someone will disagree . 177 does the job cheaper pellets longer range shooting [12 ftlbs and under only] .If you want to silence the gun a rat catcher would be better than a spring gun.also the co2 bulbs double your cost of shooting and I have only seen rat catchers in 22 trebling your cost of shooting .
  14. I see you are still a tit then.... Do you not agree that it's far to easy to obtain a rifle capable of death even in humans at sub 12 ft/lb power. Regulation would mean that only the sensible lads such as most of the guys on here would keep access to them or am I missing the point? bird ryan hamilton how will the tight gun control in the uk stop the next one .REGULATION WOULD MEAN ONLY THE SENSIBLE .gun control is good for criminals and tyrants .
  15. not sure about your problem .but you can sometimes stretch a spring a bit .so if you only need a few mm more length you may be able to stretch the spring .but you may destroy the spring to .
  16. I got some 5.6 wasps for my webley .5.5 wasps shot terrible the 5.6 pellets had loose, tight and correct fit pellets they shot bad but better than the 5.5.The super domes pellet head seems to contact the rifling in my I assume 5.6 barrel .
  17. also loads of kids in America are on legal uppers and downers because of mass medication.I think all the people involved in these killing of late are on these drugs .I guess this have no relevance on the situation Obama never said any thing about it.
  18. I have an old webley omega most pellets shoot with very poor accuracy .but superdomes shoot 100 percent bang on.
  19. I have heard on the net ,he had tried to buy guns but was refused several times .a few hours or minuets before the shooting in america there was a mass stabbing at a school in china .not much about that on the news .must be a normal thing to happen and not worthy thought or discussion .
  20. shooting 26 people is not a good thing .to use how can you justify argument .I will think more children have died on the roads in america since this shooting .there are more small arms on the planet than cars.cars kill more people than guns each year.I have never owned a car I know a lot of people who dont own cars .Car as far I am concerned are a convenience how can a private ownership of car be justified if they kill more people than guns.how can a car be justified on british roads when it can exceed 70 mph.If a shop sold cars that reach 69 mph only next door to a shop who s cars reached 2
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