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Everything posted by barrywhite

  1. might be the little o ring between the cylinder and the gun .mine played up after i knocked my gun over , i may have bent somthing a bit , but replacing the little oring has fixed my problem for know .if I rotate the cylinder to much I recon the leak may come back .
  2. i dont think the tx has a plastic stock option
  3. what pressure is in your gun .if you tested your power at 190 bar and then again at 140 bar you will see a different power out put . also looking at what some one put on the air arms site some time back this will become more pronounced on an older gun having a slightly more steep power curve because the sealing part of the valve being plastic gets a bit of a ridge . different pellets give different power levels . if your gun is not an anti tamper model to increase the power a little is easy but you will have to make sure the gun is still below 12 ft lbs at about 140 bar .
  4. i did not have to remove any filters from my security camera .it was made to see in day light and at night with IR lights fitted to the camera .http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Mini-IR-Color-Spy-Wired-CCTV-Camera-for-Home-security-system-monitor-/390602298093?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5af1b612ed this type of camera
  5. i used some cheap security camera of ebay .works great .had to change the lens to 16mm .I have since read that an adjustable lens is better .16mm board lens works fine for sure the lens may have cost more than the camera .all i did was change the lens and the camera works fine .the camera has IR leds fitted i just cover them up .
  6. if your camera is capable of picking up ir ,you have some sort of picture in day light .the only problem can be your light . it is not ir just a red light or it is in a bad position on your gun . try your set up that works in the day time with a normal torch .dont connect it to the gun keep the torch separate aim your gun and torch at something in your garden or just the room you are in ,just to see what is happening .try your ir light also .Dont let any any light from your torch land on any of the lenses of your scope .
  7. they worked ok in my hw 100 , mosquito express a little better,and jsb express a little better still .at greater distances .
  8. jsb express are the same shape and weight as mosquito express , but jsb express have less weight in the front of the pellet and a bit more lead in the skirt making it a bit stronger . I like mosquito express and still have a few tins but I think jsb express are a little better .jsb made mosquito express years ago as far as i understand . there are also jsb rs the same as falcon accuracy + ok in 177 but excellent in 22 from my experience .
  9. is the counter weight and spring in good order .also the hammer and the weight are not supposed to have much oil on them .very very little almost dry ....that is what I understand I could be wrong .
  10. in this guns defence . I got a beat up second hand one for my mates kid to shoot .The the gun can stack pellets one on top of the other at 30 yards no problem ,so you have one lump of lead . The gun I got was and maybe still is , stupid accurate and that is with a terrible trigger the gun has .
  11. I have considered tuning it up but then I've always thought that all springs will wear over time, no matter if it's cheap or expensive. However, I never considered that Gas Rams could leak, whether I've missed articles on it or it's rather unheard of. I think I'll give Mattybugeye a shout when I've got my funds together or try and head to SFS and see what they can suggest and do for me. Thanks for the help pal, really appreciate a new perspective too. the xs spring are stupid powerful if only they would loose a bit of power . If the spring does loose a bit of power a washer can b
  12. if you want a smoother shot cycle go for a spring tuned . If gas rams were better than a spring there would be more rams about . I have a lightning standard spring that broke ,then a gas ram that leaked ,then a tuned spring that is still ok . The the gas ram was better than the standard spring ,but the tuned spring is the best of all , as far as I feel . I will never fit a gas ram in a spring gun again but I still wonder about a hw 90 that I may try one day .
  13. http://www.arld1.com/ found this site some years ago may be of use to someone if the link works
  14. if been trying 12mm lead balls out of a catty of late or is this the wrong section
  15. s 400 has to be a top pcp .if you dont want a single shot and a gun with a mag then you have a problem .I guess you new the s 400 is a single shot gun so not a problem .s400 has to be the best value for money pcp a little more expensive than some but very good quality .
  16. just had a thought .one point a 177 is better without question is cost .
  17. I know what I think is better , but it is pointless to inform you of my findings , they will be hit with a counter argument .So you will have to find out for yourself .If you do an honest study I feel you will come to the same conclusions as myself , or not . good luck
  18. i have never taken a crosman co2 apart but looking at diagram .when you tighten that screw if you pull the trigger when you are cocking the gun what happens .a good quality spring gun is the best option .
  19. when you pull open the bolt is there a very ting alen screw that connects the the breech with the valve body if there is a little hole thats the problem .the alen screw if there may be loose . that is all i can think of for now
  20. may be I could get involved with the eu gravy train like neil kinnock and try to get us out of the eu . that seem to be a problem on two points neil kinnock who was against the eu gravy train has now been SUCKED in with his hole family ...and the debate may go to political ...as was suggested last night what caliber is best 22 or 177
  21. i was thinking of getting a cat to put on my computer, so it could type something interesting went i wasnt there . I could always use the safe option of confirm or deny if it typed something strange . like say knob sizes ect when we were not talking about doors .
  22. just had a thought with an election coming up political debate is obviously inappropriate one must obey
  23. I thought it might be good to prove how controlled our pellet choice is in this democracy ,with all the free speech issues of late .
  24. after the election will you be shooting 177 or 22 .and why is barrel twist predominantly to the RIGHT
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