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big chief1

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Everything posted by big chief1

  1. where does it say 'i read it' have faith mate, if not why dont all 25,000 membes on thl walk down downing street, dogs an all, few slips outside browns door. I LOST FAITH 5 YEARS AGO MATE WHEN 300.000 PLUS WENT WALKABOUT IN LONDON, THE ONLY THING THAT GOT BANED WAS HARE COURSING that was five yrs ago. labour. new people in charge= new policies. the way to go is regstered clubs. as i recall its the posh fox hunting that causes the problem, cruelty, wheres the sport n 50 dogs killing one fox? single dog yes, the beagles rip them to pieces and if the sly fox gets away they dig him outta
  2. where does it say 'i read it' have faith mate, if not why dont all 25,000 membes on thl walk down downing street, dogs an all, few slips outside browns door.
  3. Not being funny bud, but its folk like you that are the reason we CANT do anything. Make the effort and chap some doors, you cant spit the dummy out the pram for getting hassle for being somewhere you shouldnt. Common sense prevails. Just my opinion though. FTB common sense? theres 25,000 members on here, how many others in the sport without computers? theres not enough land for everyone to have permission. get real. fxxx the permission, if it comes its a bonus, if not so what. why blame poachers for ban, when its the city toffs buying country homes and buttiing there noses nto s
  4. i heard that when tories get in the ban will be lifted for registered clubs only. this came from cameron himself.
  5. bosun 11,you don't even know the circumstances surrounding the the retrieve,so you're telling me you would come on and post a picture showing it,if that lad or anyone posted a picture in winter of their first winter hare I would be the first to congratulate them,so get a grip bosun I'm saying what most people are thinking,if everybody killed summer game there would'nt be a thing left in the country to pursue in wintertime,I was told by a mutual friend of us both you knew the game, if you have a personal problem with my posts pm me and I'll put you straight,atb,wirralman Woodbine spot
  6. i went out with a lad whos dog was like that!! wasnt even his kill!! i wont stand for spiteful dogs when theres no need!! to cut a long story short the dog learned a big lesson that night at my hand and the fellas never been out with me since!! agreed, its nit nice, ive got other dogs with no probs, but its the way it is with him, had him from birth, kept 6 pups till 9 mth old to see best, that may also have contributed to his attitude,in same run, at meal times he would move from one bowl to the other, other pups also had to move, like a merry go round lol.but hes my favourite even as old
  7. when you get another pup,keep it on a lead or rope 15-20ft long. then let go right by them and if it shows to much attention them ,give it a yank with firm NO. Keep doing this till it stops . With lambs still the same, but it might be a bit harder, as lambs are smaller and (move) differnt to sheep eg bounce around, which alot of dogs pick up on. You can still do it , just keep a eye on it. I have + do lamp with sheep there, but they are a feckin pain, as most times they get in the dogs way on a rabbit . I prefer to go where they aint any if possable, as i can catch more rabbits thats wh
  8. Heres mine, not finished yet,4 x 12ftx5ft and shed on side for my stuff, cooker, chest freezer, medicnes etc. got to do drainage into cess pit, paint walls and floor and get water mains to them. My advice to anyone would be keep them simple, i got electric to all four, lights for dark winter months, and heat lamps if dogs get wet. bricked so they last, my first attempt only lasted 3 yrs, dogs ate them bcos they were wood. also got to be secure, ive got sensor lights, locks and alarms on doors. no nooks and crannys for fleas etc to hide, i can fold up beds to wall and jetwash out. Also good to
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