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Everything posted by falcongit

  1. nice shooting bud,nice rifle to...what you should have done with them nurses mate is told them you had had a acident while out shooting and they would have been all over you....its there job int it..lol sym
  2. Yes mate it was, not a problem at all, my HMR prefers Remmies. You did read my views on HMR headshots before you posted this ? well if that was not a problem ,then why kick off? this shot was also an eye shot! oh! and by the way this is the air gun section so get out of your armchair and go and do some shooting,and stop trying to preach to us because you clearly cant tell the difference!! do you actually shoot at all? or just bitch at other peeps donig it nice one mate you tell him bud,its about time this topic was stopped its getting boring,he needs to chi
  3. hard luck mate,theres allways a next time bud. sym
  4. hi,i had the smk 19 .22 springer,but only good has a second rifle if you main one is being repaired or serviced.they work fine shot plenty of rabbits with it at about 25 yards but any further not brill...cheap gun... sym
  5. yes mate you can come over anytime and have a look,bring you rifle.... sym
  6. nice one phantom.great pics and nice headshot bud,funny about the ant..lol sym
  7. nice shooting bud,shame about leaving them behind mate..i am haveing trouble with my mag jamming at moment got to go and get it sorted today at the shop where i got the gun from..the only thing is the shop owner is a missible git so i can see it being fun... sym
  8. nice shooting yet again mate sym
  9. nice shooting buddy,i thought phantom was a long story writer hes got nowt on you bud,great write up mate,and good pics. sym
  10. does that mean you like to be on top mate... lol sym
  11. hi stealthy,i dont think there is alot of anythink mate,went for a walk down there this morning and the fox was out hunting bud.
  12. good luck to you si... sym
  13. you did well to get that of him mate,i dident think he would let it go.....i did have the falcon fn 19 .22 nice rifle,i traded it in for a bsa ultra i would have get it but same as all ways its down to money.... sym
  14. bad luck mate,hope your wrist gets better soon so you go shooting again mate. sym
  15. nice one mate,and to your lad as well... sym
  16. hi mate,i need something bigger than air rifle bud... sym
  17. wow,this a strong subject,i see someones got a point to put across,lifes to short fellas.....just enjoy....nice shooting archie sym
  18. like your dragon tattoo si......and shay glad you had a good shoot with your t10 mate...... sym
  19. hi bud,i can see why its so quiet there every thing is hiding... sym
  20. it needs something bud,the trouble is the rabbits go into hideing..... sym
  21. hi shay,i see you are getting tempted again bud..it gets you like that..by the way that hw silencer is wicked bud so quiet......
  22. cheers mate,them foxes dont leave alot mate do they.. sym
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