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Everything posted by falcongit

  1. nice shooting and great write up bud. sym
  2. sounds like you have got lucky with that farmer mate well done,hope you enjoy all them rabbits bud... :gunsmilie: good hunting,and you are a top bloke for sharing your permmision,SP awarded sym:thumbs:
  3. hi there mate nice shooting and write up,great pics. SP awarded sym
  4. hi shay sorry to hear about that mate,things will turn round mate..alot of people are in the same boat bud,me to,but mannaged to get a job now witch helps...but on the downside i get to tyed to go shooting now..anyway like i said it sorts its self in the end mate..... sym
  5. good luck with your new permission mate,nice shooting... sym
  6. great shooting bud...and good pics. sym
  7. nice shooting thats a good bag there for both of you.hope you get your leak sorted out...... SP awarded sym
  8. now that looks a good rifle mate,great shots mate,i bet you got worryed when your pellets were all over the place,glad you got it sorted mate. sym
  9. nice shooting bud,and that is a big rabit mate,great pics to as allways. :thumbs: SP awarded for the great write up sym
  10. nice shooting from both of you....unlucky about the big rabbit bud but there is allways a next time mate... sym
  11. nice shooting bud,i think that robin thourt you was a tree mate.hows the head after all that beer mate...great write up..not been out much myself to busy working. sym
  12. :thumbs:nice shooting shay,great write up bud,pics look good so do your rifles mate and them gun bags are great,sorry to hear about your range finder shay can you fix it or is it another one to buy bud.SP awared.... sym
  13. hi,nice shooting bud,i like the pics and write up mate,i see you have been busy in your shed drinking beer lol......i have not been out for a while, eary starts for me at work at momment,bummer..to nackered when i get in from work.anyway great shooting mate.... s.p awarded. sym
  14. nice write up stealthy,great pics bud,nice shooting and a great bag... sym
  15. happy birthday bud... have a drink on me sym
  16. nice one stealthy,good shooting bud great write up and pics,i bet you were happy when you bumped into mr parsons mate,result sp awarded sym
  17. nice shooting again bud with your new rifle,great pics and a good bag..... sym
  18. nice shooting shay bud with that new rifle of yours,great pics.. slut point awarded. sym
  19. nice rifle there mate,what you getting next.lol sym
  20. hi mate nice shooting both of you,great pics and write up....how you getting on with the ultra bud,i got one not long ago but had trouble with the mag scipping so got a new one,and the silencer was clipping as well but they are crap anyway so got one that comes on the hw 100 rifle,now its super quite... sym
  21. nice shooting bud,great pics.... sym
  22. nice shooting bud,a least you get some peace and quite now... sym
  23. nice shooting mate,good write up and pic. sym
  24. thanks bud,its better now with the new mag and new hw silencer and new sights sym
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