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Everything posted by falcongit

  1. nice one bud,enjoy your new adventure....:clapping: sym
  2. he f-cking swears alot,i like woody to its made me hungry watching that..... sym
  3. nice shot on the magir bud,have a slut... sym
  4. nice shooting there bud,at least your nuts are save.lol. sym
  5. great shooting bud,shame about the police but ok in the end..... sym
  6. sorry to hear you lost your rabbit and woody mate,and good luck with getting the 234 acres:thumbs: sym
  7. hi mate nice to you back bud..... sym
  8. nice one there bud,great shooting...... sym
  9. hi ,same hear mate that took some patients with that woody bud great shot....and great footage....SPA..... sym
  10. same again mate great footage and great shooting bud sym
  11. see what you mean about pising yourself with laughter bud you look well funny in that veil,lol,sorry hat, theres quite a few bunneys there davy sym
  12. yes it was probely a good thing it was stopped,you have got to protect the sport........ sym
  13. That was gunna be my line GIT :laugh: cheers lord stealth too slow then tony, that doesnt happen very often cheers, wurz tonys gettig older bud.....lol.... its his mind slowing down... :laugh:
  14. cheers for slut mate,next time instead of checking the bunny to see where the pellet had enterd i will neck it first just to make sure..... sym
  15. bl-ody hell mate thats a good bag....well done... :gunsmilie: sym:thumbs:
  16. thanks for the sp mate....my write ups are not quite as good as yours phantom but getting there..... sym
  17. sounds like you had a good bag that day mate,cheers bud sym
  18. cheers bud,very strange mate int it... sym
  19. hi mate,i dont think i got it in the eye because of the way it ran of it never ran into anything,i think i must have cliped it and it had knocked it out for a few mins,what i should have done is neck it straight away i was to busy looking for the entry woud which i couldent see. sym
  20. i am not the only one then bud,i dont think i got it in the eye from the way it ran of it could see where it was going mate there was plenty of trees it went through and never bumped into any of them.....cheers bud sym
  21. hi all,went out shooting this morning about 4.30am not far from where i live about 15 mins away so very handy.i havent been out shooting much due to work and getting up at 4.15 am to get picked up with the lads to cut collies,so when i get finneshed i am to tied to go out shooting,anyway no work today so made the efort to get ready with my gear,got to my permission got set up and had a walk around loads of woodys flying of no chance with them they seen me coming (little gits) there was some magies about but could not see them,had a walk round the fishing lake and got laid down on the lawn with
  22. hi bud,great footage there,sounds like you all had a great time..... sym
  23. that sounds like great fun mate,hope you get a great bag bud,looking forward to your write up and pics...go get them mate... <IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt= src="http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/gunsmilie.gif"><IMG'>http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/gunsmilie.gif"><IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt= src="http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/gunsmilie.gif"> <BR><BR>sym
  24. good luck with what ever you do mate, sym
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