I don’t no where your range finder is but nice to see you on here again bud I did message you a few weeks ago but no joy with that unless you eyesight gone as well lol
Hi bud, we have had it this side about a month ago but only one swan which had been shot with a shotgun i dont no why someone would shoot a nice bird like that , we live in a bad world now and i dont think it will get better, atb bud
You say that about the human race not being that bad bud, Thursday when I got back from work I went out back to bring my bin in and was no where to be seen, so I checked my security cameras to see where the dustman had left them he had put it next door to me against there gates so watched a bit longer the next door neighbor came out to get his bin looked at mine which is a tad bigger and took my 7 off and put his 9 on how sads that ? Mitch
Sounds a great rifle and a lot of time getting it right very useable with the power settings Mitch enjoy bud oh you already are lol you sound very excited with it, god I like new toys ? if only I had the money atb with it bud Symon
I was watching the rabbits when I could hear the pheasant on my right hand side popped my head up and there it was so had to take it Rez easy shot at 20m with the 100 and better to eat that a rabbit, not sure how to cook it yet bud, I have put in the freezer for now to busy at work to cook it at moment all I have is pop noodles ?