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Everything posted by benbenukuk

  1. Thanks for the good advice, This is what I have brought to try out: Gamebore Mammoth 3 1/2'' shot 1 42grams steel, Gamebore TMX 2 1/2'' shot 5 32grams iron/tungsten mix, Remington nitro-steel magnum 3'' shot 1 35grams and Remington sportsman hi-speed steel 3 1/2'' shot 2 39grams, Hopefully I will find one or two that I like, cheers. Ben
  2. Thanks for the replies, I will prob wear jeans and my camo jacket, cheers. Ben
  3. Hello, Im going pigeon shooting on Monday and it will be my first time shooting over decoys in a hide, Should I wear full camo or wear something else? cheers. Ben
  4. Dont know of your cartridges you mention but because you are in england & need to use none toxic shot as you will kmow. For stee being piss poor i recomend you get 3-1/2" BB,BBB shot & the remington highspeed steel are good & range is still poor with steel. If you are willing to pay or get hevi-shot cheap then get 3" 34g No.3 that is what i use on shore etc & they are a world of there own & worth the extra money. Cheers, I will have a look at the Hevi-Shot.
  5. Im shooting in England, What are the Gamebore THX or multi-shot cartridges like? Also what about the Remington ones what are they like? cheers
  6. Hello, I will be doing some inland duck/goose shooting this year and it will be my first time, What cartridges do you use and why? There are so many to choose from, I have a beretta xtrema 2 3 1/2 mag and can spend at max £35-£40 for a box of 25 cartridges, cheers. Ben
  7. I use Gamebore Clear Pigeon No-6 30 Grams for everything and have no problems but I might give the gamebore pigeon extreme ago which is 34 gram shot 5 when I have used my others up, Ben
  8. Thanks for the reply, Now I can use them and know nothing bad will happen Ben
  9. Hello, Can I use 3 inch mags in the Bettinsoli Diamond? I have looking in the manual that it came with but it doesn't tell me the BAR, I don't want to use them then it blows up, cheers. Ben
  10. Thanks for the reply, I will give home a few more months then bring him into it slowly. Ben
  11. Hello, What age should I start using my dog for fereting he 2/5 whippet 2/5 greyound and 1/5 deerhound and is 4 months old, cheers. Ben
  12. Hello, Since I can't get hold or a raider 10 im going to get either the Webley Venom Cobra or Webley-Venom Sidewinder, What are the differences and in your opinion which one is best also whats the difference between the 'normal' versions and the carbine versions? cheers. Ben
  13. The dam of my pup was a Deerhound/Greyhound/Whippet she stands about 23'' tts and is a nice bitch she won many shows and running comps, They crossed her with a greyhound/whippet and I had one of the pups, all the best. Ben
  14. I rang round 4 gunshope near to where I live and none had the webley raider 10 in stock and it wouldn't be in stock untill the end of the month
  15. I have the mk2 and don't have any problems with the unit/collars, The only problem I have got is that if I loose the collars I won't be able to get new ones as deban don't make them anymore Go for the mk3 and you can't go wrong. Ben
  16. lol, I can imagine the worst thing is putting the collar on then remembering that there wasn't any batteries in it. Ben
  17. Thanks for the warm welcome I saw a small wright up in one of the airgun mags, Me and my dad were going to spend between £600 and £700 on 1 but then he read abit about the webley raider 10 which it cheaper and it means we can get 2 for the price of 1 so to speak, We have shotguns but are new to air rifles so I can imagine there will be lots more questions, cheers. Ben
  18. Tried this today and it worked now I can ferret knowing that I will know where the ferrets are underground, Thanks for all the help. Ben
  19. Hello, Has any one got the webley raider 10 XS pcp air rifle? Im think of getting one for rabbits but would like to know what other people's opinions are of this gun, cheers. Ben
  20. o.k I will persevere and hopefully it will work, cheers. Ben
  21. I chuck in a couple of old T-Shirts and then in the cold I chuck in some hay. Ben
  22. Thanks for the replies Do you recommend a way to keep the ferret still why the collar is placed on it?
  23. Hello, Whats the best way to get my ferrets used to the Ferret Finder Collars, It's hard to get them to stay still and when I do they get the collar off within 5 seconds, Is there a way to get it on with no problem? cheers. Ben
  24. The .410 sound like a good buy, I shoud be able to sell the rabbits with shot so not a problem there. Will the .410 shoot further that the .22? cheers. Ben
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