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Everything posted by stevieskin

  1. :clapper: Very good mate... certainly more fun than using bars of soap
  2. Hw100 is a great gun, in any of its variations. Widely regarded as the best cocking/mag/indexing system on the market. Though unless other manufacturers follow Daystates new policy on anti tamper , my next rifle could well be an AirRanger.
  3. Targets look good mate...I particularly like the one made to look like a can of Carling
  4. Most important rule when searching for permission: DO NOT GIVE IN. Eventually you will get a "yes", and the feeling that gives is worth all the rejections and legwork in the end.
  5. Good luck mate ..... I hope you dont have the damn wind thats blowing a hooley here.
  6. If you find the Guntuff ones out of stock, often are as very popular, you can look at the Longridge one on Amazon. What you actually get is a unit that is exactly the same as the Guntuff one only in matt black. Absoluteley identical bit of kit in every way to the Guntuff, I have used both often, and at a similar price too. Just an alternative to consider. By the way the one I have used reads down to 8yards too.
  7. You can join online mate. Full membership is £66 pa Airgun membership is £46 pa If under 21 yrs you can get junior membership for £22 pa
  8. Good job there mate, well done.
  9. BASA is run by Archent Specialists mate not BASC. They do claim to work in partnership to protect airgunning as a sport, but that it.
  10. Fully paid up to BASC mate. In fact the estate that owns the land will not let the tenants use a shooter who is not in BASC. They will not entertain BASA and the others.
  11. Shows how easy it can be to misinterpret the written word on forums mate. I admit my post did not put over the point I was trying to make very well at all. Glad the PM seems to have cleared the air a little. PS I will soon get used to the banter, have no fear
  12. I was deleting that as you were posting the replies mate, they were not there when I started editing. Besides, being from Mansfield you need no help appearing crazy mate :D
  13. We used to use diablos with a replacement surgical latex tubing, way back in the old days Would put a ball bearing through both sides of am old galvanised dustbin, lethal things. Never hunted with one though, the dustbin was about my limit when it came to accuracy :D
  14. Well done, glad you found the problem.
  15. Completely by surprise I have just been offered a further 380 acres as designated shooter. Land is split over 2 farms , but with same tenant. One farm is 180 acres of mainly pastures and an equestrian centre, second one is pasture, but with 30 acres of woodland too, so may be interesting. Apparently a guy who I currently shoot for passed on my details. Am going for a meet on Tuesday to see how it all looks , and if I decide to take it on, will hopefully get all signed up then.
  16. Hi Davy I wasnt trying to imply you shoot pigeons in the garden mate, just trying to make the point that the general license has conditions that should be met before shooting is carried out. I fully understand what you say about maggies and songbird conservation, I shoot plenty for the very same reason mate. I just dont want newcomers to the sport to read the thread and think they can shoot a bird cos its noisy.
  17. Please be carefull guys. Having had an aquaintance recently fined 200 quid and given criminal record for shooting woodies on his garden. make sure you are legal. He claimed crop protection for his veggies, but was found guilty because it was easily feasible for him to "net" his crops. Further more, he can now no longer go hunting anywhere because he has a conviction under the Wildlife and Countryside Act so cannot use the general license conditions. Magpies making a noise is not a valid reason to shoot them anywhere, never mind in yout garden. Sorry to sound like a nagging old wom
  18. This is the line that makes it sound more like selfish reasons than anything else. There seems ro be a bit of the "green eyed monster" present. Rather than try and steal the land from under him , why not try and help the bloke? Just my opinion
  19. I dont mind the rain, there is plenty of quarry out and about as long as it is not an absolute downpour. In fact some of the best rabbiting days I have ever had have been when there is a constant steady drizzle.
  20. You only need barrel and air cylinder I think mate, not the whole action. i may be wrong though.
  21. I would say HW100K every time. Excellent cocking system, best multishot system on the market. Superb build quality. May not be the lightest but is very well balanced. By the way mate, forget the noodle arms thing, if you are relying on strength to hold a gun then the answer is to refine your stance. I have only 50% strength in my right arm after a stroke, and still shoot a full length HW100. I just spent time adapting my stance to suit.
  22. Sympathies to all victims of this madman. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/10214661.stm
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