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Everything posted by NEWSBOY

  1. Remember you lot saying chisora was going to beat fury, and david price was gonna rule the world, same folks same bullshit.
  2. If fury as trained right, is focused, he will win easy, wlad cannot take hits like his brother.
  3. I like the brothers klitschko, always have, fury should beat him easy tho.
  4. i have bred and reared litters pal, fed right, wormed, aint no big cost.
  5. jesus, never heard owt like it, way ott imo.
  6. Can take some tackle wi a mutt like that, but its not always the good digs you remember, its the ones you had to leave in the ground.
  7. Why breed her again if she's had 3 or 4 litters?
  8. Just because its coursing bred it will be at least double if not treble that of any other type..probably catches between 60- a season lol,retired by 4 years old..hard grafted lol and now worth half a grand stud fee!!!Edited to add..I've got to admit that Digger dog is one fine stamp of dog,not many tidier looking animals have I seen for many a year tis a bit crazy like, better value than the gas bill tho lol, crackin dog, the right colour aswell.
  9. Sure enough, u dont need the blessing of a gang a crooks to exercise your instincs.
  10. Get yer drift fellah,...and you are probably right.... But, it does seem illogical, if they allow hounds to hunt foxes again,..but do not allow a Hare to be coursed.... If the original premise was that our sports had to be banned, due to animal welfare issues,..then where is the logic of allowing one type of wild critter to legally be pursued,..but not another...There is no point,. in offering politicians a chance to vote freely, if the end result of such a vote,..is not permitted to reinstate,...... everything.. The law was never logical in the first place, I mean my dog can tackle a rat
  11. I know what you mean mate, but I heard from a farmer not so long ago that the annual hare shoot last year at Sandringham accounted for about 900 hares, it made me wonder how many other estates have mass slaughter of hares like this going on, I've never been involved with legal organised coursing, but I always liked the way the coursing club maintained and protected the hare population with fairness and more importantly a true sporting chance for the quarryhare drives aint nothing new mate, u dont have to be part of a club to respect quarry and land either, as for a sporting chance, well a mans
  12. Who gives a shit anyway, like i said on another thread, keep ya head down an get on with it.
  13. I wouldnt bother, we still getting out skulking in the shadows, putting hunting in the spotlight can only make it worse imo.
  14. and he dont look groomed like that other puff either.
  15. All I meant is that pups bred from a pure MIGHT be found wanting. The way I see it, why have a pup that is only 50% tested blood in it's background, when you can have a pup that has 100% tested background. Just my take on it. We all have our own ideas.... Best of both worlds, to get 100% working blood in a genuine first cross use a well tested greyhound! Out of curiosity jonathan and i dont know the answer but do you think or maybe know if the offspring off a fenn type saluki hybred to a lurcher would be as quick as those pups off a well worked and competed greyhound over the same lurcher??
  16. Like the look of that scouser, top breeding also, anyone seen it run?
  17. yep, having an operation on it soon, will be out for nine months.
  18. 2 for the master messi, big rons got nowt on him.
  19. It would depend what I was looking to achieve but if I wanted to breed a line of faster type lurchers I would use both, I would use the coursing bred dog to maintain agility and strike and the grey to maintain the underlying physicality, leg turnover etc. The coursing bred dog wouldn't have the genetic stability to ensure these traits are passed down to enough offspring over a number of generations whereas the judicious addition of the greyhound influence would help to stabilise that side of things. Cutting the risk of non-doers in a litter is important to owners that only have one or two dogs
  20. just like the grehound, they are better when crossed, no plodder is gonna be consistant on normal land, not like a good lurcher.
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