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Everything posted by NEWSBOY

  1. Its not just just windy nights that are good, some of my best nights have been on still black nights with drizzle, the type that make the power cables buzz, rabs seem lacklustre.
  2. determination in man and dog will always bring sport everytime.its been a funny old season certain nights its been like every other night there every were then other nights its been shite but if you can handle a lamping hangover for work the next day you will always find ,jesus some mornings im still asleep on my feet at work till about 10 then i can shake it of just lollol, horrid i know, pre ban was working as a butcher, used to call in on way back from lamping to grab a drink at 6 ish, home to get cleaned up, then back for 7, great times.
  3. determination in man and dog will always bring sport everytime.
  4. A bad season to me is when you have a dog knocked up for months, or killed, nothing to do with numbers, some critters are going down, others up, make the most of whats there.
  5. Nice mutts, hows the first litter doin?
  6. daves done alot of hunting over the years, mainly rabs i would say, can train a dog also, made afew bob with studs and odd litter, a decent guy imo.
  7. Lowa for me, ad a change this time, hanwag tatra, will stick to lowa in the future.
  8. aint done bad though pal as he? Dont forget aj made a meal of whyte, whyte as a very wild style and should have been easy meat for aj.
  9. Haye did fight the better of the two brothers. if ever Haye did fight fury , you could put your house on it haye would ko fury . fury will be hard to beat with his reach and height, but haye would just work him from the inside with powerful body shots then bingo get him. as said if it ever happens I reckon this is what will happen when it does lol, what a load of bull, haye is not a not a natural heavyweight, but its where the brass is, so more hype and crap from him to come.
  10. Never mind sludge an slop, hills or fens, hard ground is the enemy of the runners.
  11. just my opinion...i hunt in ireland and them dogs wouldnt do it here. Apparently to the daywalking gods a dog cant be classed as any good unless it can plod on a fen for five minutes lol..id rather stick fkn pins in my eyes than watch 90% of the useless fuckers..and thats my opinion!! why have you got coursing bred dogs?
  12. Glare is very bad, not good for training young dogs, longer lasting than you would think, worth 45 pound.
  13. Well thats gonna upset the thl boxing guru's, this guy knows the game, puffty will be mixing his medication will vodka later.
  14. your having a laugh sheep aint ya? The furys are just everyday type of people, tyson shows class and respect, pre and post fight, unlike some, mayweather went to jail for beating a women up, haye an chisora fighting with bottles and spitting in fighters faces, class eh. Tyson fury is world champ folks, just like a told ya he would be.
  15. Plenty of glare with the clulite plr 500, lasts well though, worth the money id say.
  16. The great jew.s.a made isis to get rid of assad,russia are now doing the right thing and bombing them, putin is a real leader, not like our shower of shite.
  17. Hi rew, dont make a simple task complex, just feed the bitch a little more than normal, a bit of milk also, the hard parts done mate, the rest aint no big deal.
  18. Nice dogs rew,that place was alive with rabs 20 years ago.
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