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Everything posted by NEWSBOY

  1. can smell the scumbag jews behind this one

    9 /11


    9 /11

    it could be done from a guy with a stinger missle on his shoulder ,easy as abc and no fancy technology either.whether they did or not is another matter.whatever brought it down,those on board didnt deserve it, there only one lot to blame for it and thats those dirty f*****g fanatical muslims.i hope they all burn in hell and i for one hate them and the more that get wiped out the better. U WILL GROW UP KID.

    9 /11

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYIC0eZYEtI another goodun.
  6. a saluki with a plastic bag over its head would have more stamina than a greyhound, never mind an unfit one.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSYKs-ZJN-E
  8. i wonder if libya as plenty of sweet crude oil
  9. cheers andy, will do, if u want a day on the old river, staythorpe to crankley let me know i will take u. cheers
  10. good fishing and hunting around newark andy, sounds like u have hooked catfish , 1 or 2 get caught in the trent, u still fish tube bridge? cheers
  11. cheers andy, our club as the water other side of the tube bridge, nobody ever goes down there, u ad big barbel from there?
  12. greet mouth, nice peg that, done some good fish. trent barbel record is 19.4, if it would of been out in feb/ march it prob would of been the british record.
  13. Fish the trent 3 to 4 times a week for barbel, ad some good fish mainly around newark old river and the main river, need rain bad.
  14. a good young prospect- show some respect to the man - down the line this man will be hard to beat.
  15. with the right trainer fury could be a class fighter- should be to big- to much reach for chisora- we will see on the night.
  16. get the scruffy piss stained jew gone his gutter trash newspapers/mass media as gone to far for to long. dont panic about greedy scum like this- the real power is with the little people we just need to realise this.
  17. Haye is overated- wlad is underated cos he aint from the west. Haye talked himself in to a big payday- thats what its about with him- another trash talking nigga gets done by wlad- pure class that man.
  18. another jew bites the dust
  19. shame uncle adolf didnt get the job done
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7T2WufMCJo
  21. never mind snakes- lets stop killing humans first
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