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Everything posted by NEWSBOY

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDDOd8kGBXo
  2. what is the page bitch gorger? cheers
  3. gorger, do you know how p noons ruby was bred? cheers
  4. froch can take shots and give em- froch win by ko round 5/ 6.
  5. the hancock of deerhounds
  6. that piss stained owd redfaced scottish c**ts team r dead an buried thank the lord
  7. good thread ruined again by silly pricks, get this twat banned.

    cruel sea

  9. cheers mate, its the 1 that had a litter with lucas.
  10. anyone know the breeding of p noon's ruby? cheers
  11. long old night for rogan- tough man but more brawler than boxer.
  12. will do, now back to your xbox and ye coco pops.
  13. old hook and the other so called fanatics are just part of the game. theres a war on for your minds, and you lot have lost, stick to your fast foods and xfactor type crap.
  14. jack had the same russell line as t duggan, but borders fetched more money, like i said before price by name and nature.
  15. was a good spot 20yrs ago plenty of big rabs down by the trent aswell
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