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Everything posted by NEWSBOY

  1. there isnt, never was, never will be.
  2. I'm not wanting to get into an argument, or anything, but are you saying you bred off bitches would come out? jackers?spewers? curs? Why would you want to do such a thing when you had many proper earth dogs? Why not breed off your proper earth dogs instead? I can't understand that bit. Sorry if I'm being a bit thick? You neednt apologise for being a bit thick,among educated people i would imagine its well known,your sly insecure manner and backstabbing nastiness is proof of that,you have done nothing for fieldsports other than help the antis with your pathetic comic books,you are a
  3. afew nasty critters turn up, same with other breeds.
  4. 2 out of the litter went to yorkshire, a bitch to the owner of the stud for his mate, his other mate took viper for free, he let the dog go, prob cos he was to big, i lost track of the dog, shame cos he didnt deserve such a life.
  5. yep, viper i bred it, way to big he was, used as a draw type, not in to that game myself, remember u saying he jibbed? hows urs doin that u gifted to jm? Well, it's not being passed about, sold on to divi's or bred from. :thumbs: thats a good thing, why not tell the story of viper then?
  6. Newsboy when you say to big was that chest or height?asking because he's in my dogs breeding.atb he was like an average sizes pit dog.
  7. before the thl fools try to knack this thread, no wild claims have been made about these dogs, me and ponte had some fun with ours, i had some poor plummers thats for sure, i had a few u could dig to, i dont have any terriers now, but i would have a plummer again, i have dug to many terriers other than my own, and seen alot of rubbish, its the way it is . the digging game is like no other, its hard for man and dog now ponte, show a pic of that little fox that got the best o ye
  8. yep, viper i bred it, way to big he was, used as a draw type, not in to that game myself, remember u saying he jibbed? hows urs doin that u gifted to jm?
  9. So you're saying that Pepsi was a good worker, but you didn't like her, or more to the point, that she didn't like you? I have heard that she had a strange temperament, but I know that Newsboy rated her most highly. peps was a 1 man type of dog, she didnt like to much fuss, she bit ponte cos a fox grabbed her foot, it was so funny, can still see the colour drain from his face now like when hes lost a pound think he would sooner get bit mrs ponte to easy on his pockets
  10. So you're saying that Pepsi was a good worker, but you didn't like her, or more to the point, that she didn't like you? I have heard that she had a strange temperament, but I know that Newsboy rated her most highly. peps was a 1 man type of dog, she didnt like to much fuss, she bit ponte cos a fox grabbed her foot, it was so funny, can still see the colour drain from his face now
  11. carnt tek it wi ya hes leaving it all to charity donkey rescue or summat leave my lurchers out of it
  12. Great pic .that's the first time I've seen a pic of Bob reminds me of his Sire in that pic ,his litter btr was a serious dog at the end of digs people were to say bob looked a bit like stanhill billy dont u think?
  13. Don't you mean he is at home watching griz cut his hedge? lol, u would prob burn it down, t idle t chew ya snap
  14. thats why i aint got terriers now, i could not breed much worth keeping.
  15. time a year when all real hunters a cutting edge, u seem t miss from october t end of feb
  16. great pic of my bob and lucy, bob was young there, he was hard type, very rough with fox, his mother had more style, she once hunted a fox out of some cover, ran it in 2 a factory carpark and killed it with the factory workers stood around her then she dragged it to the fence to me she could jump 5 bar gates with ease, both great pets when not working also, rip bob an lucy
  17. great pic that, 3 good bitches, jet far right in the pic, went in a 1 hole place, she was at it a short time then drew the fox to the mouth of the hole, had some real fun with them 3, great in cover also.
  18. looks like my old pepsi in that 2nd pic. cheers
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