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About nuttyprop

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. After a long time coming we have now got our first Jack Russel pup - Dog from working lines. He is 15 weeks old - At the moment i ve been concentrating on getting him use to a lead, house training, meeting as many people and socialising with other dogs ect. Quick question - Is there any more i should be doing with the dog - Is it too early to start any other training? What about getting her some rabbit skins to worry. Any advice/guidance will be much appreciated as i am pritty much starting from scratch. Thanks,
  2. Thank you for all of the responses - I am seeing the chap on Saturday and will have a good chat RE the parents. I will keep you all in the loop and put some picture up ect. Thanks again, NP
  3. Gents, We are finally in a position to get a dog, are all set up and ready to go! The dog will be mostley used fro bushing, ratting, rabbiting and beating - Will also be a family pet. A friend has a litter of Jack Russels and a litter of parsons - Both litters bred from working dogs - I ve been given the choice between. What are the main differences and which would you go for? Thanks NP
  4. Having been involved with shooting and field sports from an earlier age I am finally in a position to purchase a Gun dag having moved back home from central London, bought a house with enough room and found a wife who is also dog mad! I am involved with the running of my local shooting and go beating most saturdays. Outside the shooting season i allot of rough shooting for vermin and pigeon shooting. A keeper friend of mine has offered me a cocker from a litter due within the next months. I ve seem both dam and sire work and whilst not world champions are great working dogs. Now fo
  5. The pup looks great mate - Whats the breeding of the other dog?
  6. My father in law has recently started keeping/racing pigeons after a long time away from the sport. He wants to get a dog to kennel next to the loft to keep on top of the rats and keep away local cats and foxes - his obvious concern is he doesn't want a dog that will bother the birds. He asked me my opinion and I said I didn't know but would ask on hear. Would a specific breed be good or would any puppy that would be trained/Brocken to the birds be ok? Any advice would be gratefully recieved Thanks
  7. At the Game Fair on Sunday I discovered the Spanish Water dog and was assured by the exhibitor that they are very much a working dog and great fro beeting. I ve never heard of any one working a Spanish Water dog. Has any one else if so what did you think?
  8. Morning all - just wondering does anyone work or have seen aidale terries working in the UK?
  9. Are these for sale mate - loving loving dogs
  10. Thanks lads - I thought they would be a good bushing dog given their long legs, thick coat and there hunting past!
  11. Hi All - Does any one work a Kerry Blue or know of any one currently working one?
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