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Everything posted by talljim

  1. I like them, seen a few german pointer crosses, and ive had a lurcher with German Wire Haired Pointer in it.... HPR breeds are a good adition to a lurcher in my opinion. keep us posted. Will Do.
  2. Yea, I've seen a few pics of gwp crosses and also greysters, smart looking beasts. I think the vizsla gives them the massive ears! Any other crosses out there?
  3. Do you know of anybody else working these or was it a one off breeding just interested in what the nose is like on them? The bloke I got em off was from beverley way, he worked the dam, good nose good swimmer apparently. Here's another shot of them in flight!
  4. They're 26" tts at the moment, and their weight is in the process of settling down as the muscle takes over from puppy fat, they're finally getting the nipped in waists that make people tell you you're not feeding them enough!
  5. Not tried them yet, but they can't half shift! The blond one slipped his lead in town the other day and was only an inch away from catching a pigeon in front of the crowds doing their xmas shopping! That would have been a good lesson for the kiddies.
  6. What type of work you planning on doing with them? Just mooching, pot filling. Don't have the time to work them properly. If I win the lottery this weekend though....
  7. Not had a chance yet with work/weather but they're game enough, a fox crossed in front of us and the buggers nearly ripped my arms off! Yea, they're both from the same litter. Jim
  8. I'm prepared for all the negative stuff, but lets have a look at some non standard crosses. If you don't like them look away now I'll start off with mine, Sire was a bull / greyhound, mother a Wirehaired Vizsla / greyhound. Both worked night and day. Only ten months old, but showing potential... Jim
  9. They reckon they taste better if you roast them with the guts still in. Tons of the buggers round here with all this cold weather, I say give it a go. Jim
  10. Here's some more. The one of Laz (chocolate) is about a month old. Both 1/2 Grey, 1/4 bull, 1/4 wirehaired Vizsla. Jim
  11. The lads at just under 6 months
  12. This kind of picks up from an earlier topic. I've got a couple of 6 month old pups and am thinking of getting some ferret kits. Basically, is it doable at that age, and if so, how? Jim
  13. It's the same in all lines of work, I play irish music and you get people who think that buying the most expensive instrument will make them a good player when what it boils down to is putting the hours in. I'll admit I'm new to the lurcher game, I've long been a fan, and been outr a few times, so when i got my own house, I got a couple of pups from working stock. I don't want shortcuts, i want something I can be proud of, to think 'I did that!'. I come on this site because if i have any problems or worries I know I'll get good advice (sometimes!). That's something money can't buy. Jim
  14. When my pups were about ten weeks, everyone thought they were labs, cos one's golden and one's chocolate!
  15. Thinking of moving on to it, currently useing beta larrge breed puppy. Anyone tried it? Jim
  16. Saw this today http://www.scarborougheveningnews.co.uk/news/Trio-plead-not-guilty-to.6437513.jp Jim
  17. Lol. That's the kind of tale i was after!
  18. Looks like the jury's split here. Personally i think that some training is better than nowt, and as has been said, being judgemental works both ways. I agree though it always seems to be 'toy' breeds that are most dog agressive. Jim
  19. Here's something that happened to me the other day and I wondered if any of you lot had similar stories? I was out with the pups keeping up with their basic training (they're only 5 months), when an old woman and her husband came up and asked if it was ok to stroke them. I sighed and said okay, but warned they could be a little jumpy (they're 22"tts and still have a fair old knuncke on them). She asked me if I was going to take them to obedience classes, and when I said, no, I'll be training them myself, she looked at me like I'd just told her I was a kiddy fiddler! At that very moment th
  20. Obviously not ideal for something so severe, but I use friars balsom on cuts and bites on my 2. One of them got bitten on the neck by a bull greyhound that was running around loose with no owner to be seen, on closer examination at home there was quite a deep puncture wound behind one of the lads ears, cleaned it with salt water and then put on some balsom, worked a treat. Luckily he was wearing a thick hound collar as there were quite a few nasty bite marks on that. Apparently the same dog went on to attack another dog which needed stiches, so I got a lucky escape, poor lads were only 3
  21. You can get it on line from www.zam-buk.com/ But they sell it in our local branch of Boots, so worth a check. Jim
  22. Cheers, I'll give owt a go at the moment. I had to laugh though, twice he's been gingerly munching on his tea, yelped, backed up and spat out a molar. poor lad.
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