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Everything posted by gye2007

  1. bull/whippet/greyhound bitch 2 1/2 year old 22"tts, 100% with other dogs,kids,sheep,chikens an ferrets good little bitch on the lamp,picks squarters out of the seat retreve to hand ,jumps well, no nonsense straight up the beam an straight back this bitch is only for rabbits an nothing else! shes a cracking little dog to go ferreting an very good at it this is a vary laid back an well behaved dog dont no you got her. im not useing her at all so its best go to someone to get the most out of her an just not to mess anyone around i will take you out on a trial with her the dog is all bla
  2. the dog do come with a trial but i bet your not even intrested just one of those idiots who try an mess other posts up
  3. i aint useing her enough theres nothing for me to hide i will give a trial with her day or night shes genuin shell make someone a nice steady rabbiting bitch
  4. no probs mate but if you now anyone after a nice little bitch let them now ok thanks
  5. shes great she dont bother them , shes a bit of a baby she loves being brushed an messed about with the kids if another dog is around her she will act a bit timid but shes harmless in every way all rabbits retrived live to hand
  6. how do i donate please ,any help please
  7. ok mate she is 2 1/2 year old an 22"tts no vicesses what so ever she jups well stok broken to sheep an chickens works well in the day with ferrets, she is 100% on the lamp pick squarters out the seet no need for a lead with her really laid back an steady . she looks like a whippet with muscle all black with 4 white feet. only any good for rabbits!
  8. ok everyone im new to the site an i want to sell my bull whippet grey working day an night she is a cracking little bitch i can advatise her in the local free ads but that wont garantee she will go to a good working home so id like to advitise it on here as if it sells on here i can find out hows she getting on so what is it i got to do to put her on the forsale section is it just donate or is there a lenght of time i have to wait as a member
  9. would you want a claud butler mountain bike hardly been sat on front an back suspension like new,i paid bout £400 for it last year pm if your intrested i only live up by merthyr so its only down the roadto you
  10. well from what i can gather my best bet is to have my hob castrated then i can keep them as they are an my girl wont no any diffrent, an if i was to get rid of my hob i might not get another ferret i can trust around kids as the one i got is perfect an quite a charecter is only bad point is he can eat more than a small terrier if you let him lol. does anyone now how mucch it costs to have a hob castrated an can you take it to any vet for it to be done
  11. so if i get rid of the hob . wait untill she shows singn of swelling an then take her to my local vet for a jab is it mate . an also would it be ok if i was to buy another young gill and put it in with the 1 i already have do you think id have any problems? thanks in advace gye
  12. thanks alot everyone for your help, i will seperate them asap i only work the gill as she is so small she never kills in , i got the hob just for company for her . if its best to keep them seperated i might get rid of the hob as i got no use for him hes like a baby my little girl comes up the stabble now an again she cuddles him like a babey hes bomb proof, could i buy a little gill an put her in with mine straight away as my hutch is huge and wouldnt whant my gill to be on her own, also is it true that a gill has to be mated every year or it can die cause the trooth is i have no reason to br
  13. no thats the thing ive been looking an she hasnt been swallen since i had her i i just been speaking to my misses an she said that the gill is about 8 months old do you think that she might not have come into season yet because of her age. also i was shocked to here that breading 2 silvers could cause the young to die ,what sort of colours would you expect to see out of 2 silvers
  14. ok i have 2 black eyed silver ferrets 1 hob 1 gill both are bout 1 year old they are not realated they are both kept in the same hutch and have done for about 5 months now, ive noticed the gill is bald on the back of her neck the hob has always pulled her round by her scruff just pl;aying with her when do they come on heat an when do i seperate them or dont i have to any advise anyone please
  15. i went today first time ive entered in a show , i let my little girl show my whippet we had a 3rd i dont mind but its a working dog show an the whippet who had first place had never seen a rabbit in its life an if it did catch hold of a rabbit it would run away with the dog in my opiniun its who you now in these shows, you can have the best dog in the world but if the judge nows the person next to you its the person next to you thats gonna walk away with the prize, i dont really mind i had a good day i met some good people an my little girl won her first rossete and the rain held off so i cant
  16. this boy was robbed of a rossete at the caerphilly show, gypsy rules

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