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Everything posted by gye2007

  1. ok ive just bourght my self my first ess bitch pup shes 11 weeks old ,im planing on using her ferreting so she will be used for bushing an marking really id like to learn her a few basic commands like sit,stay ect an i want to hide a skin for her to find, what i need to now is what age do i start this an what are the best ways to learn her, any tips or advice would be much appriciated.
  2. cracking looking dog mate, what size is he tts, looks a strong dog butt what you doing with him day or night
  3. hered of people saying how good the bull whippets are , but i never here about a wheatan whippet i would of thourght they wuld be a nice cross has any one had one or is any one running 1 at the moment . would be intrested to now pics would be good to
  4. i think you need to go into paint an reduce the pics by 50% i think butt
  5. if i done them, how would the weans pay for their dinner how olds the pup mate , 15 a good number, were they easy rabbits or did the dogs do well to catch them like, im only intrested as i have a 14 month old weaten/grey x bull,saluki,whippet,greyhound hes catching great on the lamp an retreving lovely but i wouldnt want to run him on to many as so many people say to much can hurt him , any advice would be apprieciated
  7. il try an get some pics up tormoro
  8. jack russel dog 20 months old kept up stable as had loads of rats,good around chicken and sheep, just used him for a bit of bushing a few times,caught a few in the hedge,a very strong and keen dog would do a lot more than just rats and rabbits,excellent listener just not usin him hes busting for work. apparently this dog is out of very good fox dogs hes white stocky with strong head. im wantig £200 for this dog pm me an i will send you my number
  9. ok neil its dicky im intrested in tha little bitch get in touch butt
  10. gye2007


    when i got up this mornig my dog had threw up all byle over the kitchen floor does this mean the worming tab didnt agree with her an i shuold try a diffrent brand of worming tab today ?
  11. gye2007


    ok thanks il try tha tomorro now then
  12. gye2007


    just gave my dog a worming tab with her food she ate the food an tab. then bout 20mins late she frew up (loads) do i worm her again tomro ?
  13. ok mate im from tredegar, i got a fair bit of permision ,i do mostly lamping but when the the hedge rows die back in a few weeks we will being ferreting most sundays.im sure there will be room for you tag along
  14. my girlfriend just bourght my a deben tracer 12v 10ah power pack, just wondering how many hours use i would get from a full charge, i use a striker lamp, i supose its down to how much you keep the lamp on. but any information would be hlpful. thanks in advance
  15. Flea's spend the majority of their time in the dogs bedding or in places where the dog will often lay, and it's here where they'll lay their eggs as well. They only jump on the dog to feed. ok mate i had a bull x greyhound pup once with bad flat feet i put calcium tablets in his food over about 9 weeks an walked him on the roads an his feet came lovely.the calciom was from my local chemist an only cost £1 a pack i just mixed 2 tablets in with his food every day. if you give to much calcium they shit black
  16. you have one at aberconwy held at winllan isaf, llanrhos road, penrhynbay ll30 3ld or the east devon hunt at the kennels at higher st andrews wood farm dulford cullomton devon ex15 2df they are both on the 31st or highclere castle on the sunday and monday hope this helps yes brilliant, thanks
  17. could any one tell me if there are any good dog shows or gamefairs this bank holiday weekend please, im from south wales i will travel but no more than 100 mille. thanks
  18. any shows or gamefairs this bank hol im from s.wales but willing to travell

    1. villebones


      Cla gamefair mate, in the midlands ;)

  19. brindel pup gone just 1 left the best pup in the litter in my opinion
  20. as above 1 blue an white rough coated dog pup, an 1 brindel smooth coated dog pup, i own an work both mother an father of the pups mother first cross beddy/whippet 6 year old works day an night 21"tts blue/grey in colour an rough coated brilliant bitch in every way . father kc reg luguna whippet big strong type 2 year old works good on the lamp 21"tts silver/blue, im from tredegar in southwales im wanting £150 each pm me or ring if intrested ok thanks 07728570406 . will try my hardest to upload pics in a bit.pups 13 weeks old pics of the pups and parants are under beddy / whippet on the mem
  21. sorry everyone who asked for pics.me or the mrs couldnt put the up for some reason any way just to let people now i think i have found someone who is having the bitch and im vary happy for her to go to her new home thanks again for all the good replys ,
  22. thanks mate hope it doesnt turn in to a big fight like some of the other posts on here
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