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Everything posted by MaxiMuM-RisK

  1. thats true pal but there feck all were i live i used to go out with me dad but hes to old and sold is dog he rings me now an again to go out when he starts to miss it to much
  2. yet again another decent night to go out :(

  3. diesel_nelson08@hotmail.com

  4. can you plz send me urs see what there like?
  5. i aslo have some on me pc to
  6. http://www.varmintal.com/coy5-20.htm
  7. Bloody just my luck why cant all the nice lads and girls live near me come on ya wigan lads
  8. how much petrol money lmao im that desperate to have a nice night out lol
  9. Even if they just want to take me out and get to now me and my dog then i can invite me brother dont like going with out him really as we go out hunting 2 gether all the time.
  10. is gettin that desperate 2 bgo out is thinkin about biking it up to newton for a decent night lampin

  11. Wish i was going out 2 light up some fields but still no luck in anyone takin us out :(

  12. Hi all still nobody 2 take me on a good night out yet gettin a bit desperate now lol dogs need a good run i did not mention before ive got a £10 note on me if anyone interested in takin us out me brother will also have some money just want to go out and have a good laugh and hopefully some good kills ANYONE PLZ
  13. would love to go out for a shine but nowhere to go :(

    1. work em hard

      work em hard

      plenty of places to go all round england

  14. So wants 2 go out anyone fancy takin me on a good lamping session :)

  15. when my dogs miss the quarry i usually put the lamp on at my feet and whistle them back. They got the hang of it eventually
  16. just got in from takin dog out on bike

  17. not bothered about the mess mate but them tracky bottoms offended me a little . lmao
  18. sorry about the mess lol just in the middle of doing the house up
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