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Everything posted by Tizzi

  1. So am I Gaz, sorry if I hyjacked your thread a bit! Cheers Matt
  2. This is all really useful info! Skycat, what your saying makes total sense, the land I work I've worked on and shot on for years so know it like the back of my hand. I still try and get round during the day as much as possible aswell. Keep any info coming guys, for people just starting out this is very useful, anything people have experienced and can help to reduce accidents is worth sharing! Cheers
  3. Not meant to sound churlish or anything mate, but if your that worried about it maybe it's not for you and these sort of accidents also happen in the day. My lurcher lives in the house as part of the family, but accepting that this type of thing can and does happen is part & parcel of working an animal in most circumstances. We all hate the thought of what might happen, but we'd never set foot outside the front door if we didn't accept that life carries risk. Your right there Malt its the nature of the game we're in.............accidents happen! I toatally understnad the
  4. How often dose this sort of accident really happen though?I'm keen to get my bitch working on the lamp but I hate the thought if loosing her!
  5. Cheers Guys, I had it in my mind their was some certain nak to it, easy as! Cheers
  6. I'm new to lamping, been doing some daytime work for a few years nothing serious. Just got a new bitch, 11mth now and about to start her on the lamp, How do you make a slip lead guys?? Cheers
  7. How long does that battry last you mate?
  8. Thanks mate, there's a few on e-bay I've seen, they don't seem to be the whole kit, anyone know if they have batteries and all included? Also which do people reccomend? 140/170 or blitz? Cheers
  9. Haha! Cheers Mate i'll check it out
  10. Any one able to tell me the best place to get lightforce kit from? Been surching the net and the best I got was £135 for the 140 kit, anyone able to beat that? Cheers
  11. Is that the gsd bitch you mentioned Malc? They'd have some nice dark pups! keep me in mind when she's old enough!
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