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Everything posted by forest

  1. I like to come on this site from time to time and read some interesting posts ranging from the gun dog section all the way threw to the hound section but notist the lurcher section sum lads seem to keep a lot of lurches I was just wondering how they have time to give them anuf work I've only got the one and sum times I think I'm not giving that anuf I try and lamp her twice a week and give her and me terrier at least a hours walke a day . Yet I've sum pictures on hear with lads holding 3/4 dogs at a time and they have got over 4000 posts on this forum mm sumit isn't right
  2. The most common thing I've seen in a lot of them they arnt very sharpe they arnt very wiere if you know what I mean they don't make good raters from what I've seen or bushing dogs . But like I've said I have I have seen good ones as well . The breed I wood go for wood be a plumer for bushing but its like anything there is a lot of shite out there so maybez get a half cross because atleast they haven't been bread for money
  3. I've seen more than my fear sher of borders work so called good bushers and they have been very poor but like I said chippers are the best I've seen work cover some mite say better than the tekel
  4. I've seen chippers borders on and they can hunt and it takes a lot for me to give borders any praise because I fecking hate them
  5. I read a article a few years ago about otter dogs and some of the best ones also worked fox in rock piles has anyone els heard this
  6. I've only ever read about terrier work on otters they sound like the ultimate quary to work . Has anyone been lucky anuf to work them pre ban and what was the best dog for the job ?
  7. im just wanting to know a bit of info c.nuthall,s budy on what type of dogs he has produced in the feild. not just corssing dogs other types of lurchers aswel
  8. i like the black dog dazz mate whats in him. he is realy wel put together
  9. iv seen brittanys work and they are very good dogs but i dont think they would be much good for flushing out foxes . its not about price its about passion of working diffrent types of dogs it would not be used as a gun dog but as a every day mooching dog to work along side my terrier and lurcher
  10. or nice one thanks mate i would realy appreciate that .
  11. yea i will keep everyone posted on my research of them. hopfuly i can have a good chat with that keeper on raby sum day soon
  12. iv been out with a lad who works a pointer and i was very imprest. i just think one crost with a spanial or a coker would be outstanding for thick cover
  13. thanks for all of your replys iv herd of a gamekeeper on raby that kwnos alot about G.W.H.P croses .
  14. do you not use bushing dogs with your lurchers?
  15. dose any body know anyone that works a G.W.H.P x spanial for bushing ? what hight do they make and what is there pray drive like ? pictures would be appreciate if anyone has any. many thanks forest
  16. i think ya know [bANNED TEXT] ya dogs times up.my old bitch is 12 now and i stoped running her at 8.she was verry verry fast then it seemd like over nite she went slow haha. she had a hard running life and earnd her reatirement. she just walks about the yard now
  17. my mate has some due in 2 weeks if you are intrested they arnt exactley 3/4 gray 1/4collie.they from realy good breading.they out of chipper smiths nell,the brother to merlin is the father to the pups.the bitch is a cracking rabbiting dog.
  18. hello mate.its black broken coated bitch its a realy nice little bitch.yes its steadly starting to reatrive but its still young.iv got a 10 year old bitch and a dog out off her age 4 but the old dogs realy failing now.i got the pup in so i could share the work out with me 4 year old dog but i dont think il have the work for it.id like the pup to go to the right place.not passed on

  19. hello all.just wondering for you who have worked bedlington lurchers.i have a 7 month old bedlington lurcher dog and he will not put his nose down for love or money.i keep beddy cross lurhers and they all hunt fantastic.i know hes still young but all others have shown good sighns off hunting at that age.i had him on moor and all he done was stand at heal woudnt follow other bitch .its realy buging me has any one ever came across this in there beddy cross and do you think he will get beter
  20. was just wondering if any off you on here has had dogs in the past or even the present as pups that you thought would only end up being broken coated and ended up being realy rough haird.a friend off mine was talking about a bitch he had years ago.
  21. i have just got my self a bedlington whippet gray and hes a little broken coated dog.i was just wondering if you guys wouldnt mind posting some picks up off your broken coated dogs those that have them.cherz guys
  22. stick to the little beddy cross the fields might be geting biger but the rabbits arnt.iv got simalar dogs off 19 inc and run them all over.doesnt mater [bANNED TEXT] fields you run in your still runing the same quarry.stick to the little dog all it means is the rabbit has further to run
  23. have you foud a home for the dog or have you still got it
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