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Everything posted by lofty

  1. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news..._says_rukhsana/ The APBT was an easy target as there were relatively few compared to other breeds that had attacked and actually killed. Only a short time before the attack on Rukhsana Khan, two Rottweilers had killed a girl. Despite the pleas by her parents, the Government did nothing, yet after an attack by an APBT, in a knee jerk reaction, rushed through the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. In the original DDA four breeds of dog were banned. 1. APBT. 2. The Japanese Tosa. There was one in the UK at the time. 3. The Dogo Argentino. None in the UK. 4.
  2. lofty


    There is a good chance that you will be cautioned using the words “You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not now mention something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidenceâ€. Please officer, don't hit me again.
  3. lofty


    If you've got nowt to hide, don't let them in.
  4. It is called TPLO, Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy, it's in the link of my post immediately before the post of the quote above. Either choice of surgery, if successfull will give the same final result. TPLO is a better choice than rubber bands generally on medium to larger breeds. I hope all goes well and the dog makes a full recovery. The vet that I used is first class, and I wouldn't say that about some of the others, and despite ensuring the dog had post op care to the final detail (he is with me 24/7) it took three operations before it was right. The total cost.....multiply by six what y
  5. lofty

    Poor old dear

    I wasn't judgeing you or anyone else. My post was about some replies regarding dementia which I felt were needless and in bad taste.
  6. lofty

    Poor old dear

    Lofty for christs sake mate take an ffin chill pill. Nobody was extracting the urine from the old lady. If (god forbid something untoward had become her)then this topic would have been totally different. If you've actually read and understood the whole news piece you may actually be able to take on board that the couple themselves think it is quite funny. Read 1st....switch brain on....digest......then read again. THEN and only THEN Look to add constructive critisism. >>>>> :sick: I didn't say anyone was extracting urine from the old lady. I did read the wh
  7. lofty


    But how long does that take? I've not logged on sometimes for several months without my account being deleted thankfully. not logging on, WILL NOT DELEATE YOUR ACCOUNT, the one was just comenting, if he did'nt want to be here anymore, dont log on Thankyou. lofty was just asking a question. Both The one, and I now have the correct answer.
  8. lofty


    But how long does that take? I've not logged on sometimes for several months without my account being deleted thankfully.
  9. lofty

    Poor old dear

    I think someone should say something about the comments on this thread so here goes. Most of them are a disgrace....to put it mildly. Maybe i'm missing something, but why such a link to this story in the first place Having fun is one of lifes pleasures, but making fun at someone with disabilities and heartbreaking illnesses and conditions isn't what i'd call funny. One reply just hours ago on a separate subject was that "Folk cant even keep from posting stupid shite on the rest of the forum .... I hate to think what sort of rediculous retarded stuff would get put on a bull breed section"
  10. Yeah. Don't know why I posted on this really........even if I were to use a computer every day, the couple of "dedicated bull forums" I use would still be more than enough for me...........and no " rediculous retarded stuff " to wade through either. One, as you know WILF, where we, the members are our own moderatos.
  11. Yes, a moderator could prevent the usual problems that come along and turn good, useful site into something like a school playground, but, even without a mod. we should be our own moderators. It doesn't take an Einstein to figure out the dicks into these breeds for all the wrong reasons. There are enough who know what's what and what's not to get a decent section up and running, surely?
  12. I spend maybe 3 or 4 hours a month on the computer, but still, would be nice to share thoughts and ideas with a bull breed section. "i dont think we need a bull breed section things shud stay as is... theres enough pics and stuff being put on this site to do harm as is!! the bull breed section went for good reason!!! " If the breed would be at risk of more harm, then I wouldn't want that. Could someone tell me why the section did go please? Was it, as in other cases, ruined by status symbol types posting their usual nonsense? One last question please, what is the pre 73 thread, anyone?
  13. If it is a ruptured cruciate ligament it can be repaired. Be prepared for a lengthy recovery period and a large vet bill. http://vetsurgerycentral.com/tplo.htm I've used glucosomine chondroitin which is a must after this operation which worked well, but the most effective (and least expensive) in my experience has been this product. http://synflexforpets.co.uk/
  14. Wow, that must be a record I bet that would be a breeder of Dalmatians dream. (only joking....in case anybody reads it otherwise)
  15. Cut a little too much off above The photo, not the tail.
  16. Unless amputated for a medical reason or to prevent injury if a dog is to be worked, it amazes me that a law needed to be made to prevent humans removing the tail from a dog The dog will turn out to be a better animal for it.
  17. Nu-stock is good for a wide range of hair loss problems.
  18. lofty


    Good link. Cheers.
  19. One or two mentioned in earlier replies but would add Midnight Express. I'm not 100% certain, but don't think Shawshank Redemption is a true story.
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