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About bail

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  • Birthday 20/04/1982

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    Nuneaton , Warks
  1. i heard they have problems with the terminals on the battery. never used them tho im sticking with the mk1 s
  2. Its on the 17th & 18th of this month cant wait to go never been before
  3. Before you even get any ferrets make sure you have all the kit you need cause thats the expensive bit ferrets are cheap. When it comes to ferrets buy from [bANNED TEXT] whos knows what there on about. When you go to buy have a look where there kept see if its clean. Bright eyes and a good coat is agood indicator on the condition of an animal. And i would get hobs you aint got to worry about the jills when they come in season. Good look and hope you do well next season.
  4. My first thought was egyptian. I think there on general licence as well.
  5. I dont know why but would be interested what other people think. I got 2 young hobs last summer they were out the same litter. Were fine together till the week before christmas then they started fighting. Had to split them up.
  6. Raiderboy & dh90 are both right. I find jills bolt them better. If a hob gets a rabbit its more likely to kill it. A friend of mine only uses hobs says there better than jills. Lets just say his spade will never go rusty.
  7. Hi everyone. Im Ryan. Heard about this place on another forum so thought id have a look. I mainly ferret with my 2 hobs but want to get some jills this year. Just started pigeon and crow shooting this year with varied success so hopefully i will pick some good tips here to try.Happy hunting.
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