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Everything posted by busher

  1. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:... f****n pissed mi keks'' belter mate... i new ud get mi back... ATB..B :laugh: thats more like it lads serious tho how did he get his name??? how did his litter mates turn out, were they as good as him??? ill admit when i first come on this site i thought the dog was just another name to put to pups for money but, now ive got to "know" a few members and realise they have done a shitload more than me, i can see that the lads who bred/kept dogs out of this line did so for work only and fair play to you all :thumbs: the clue' on the plate above mate' py
  2. nice mate.. .. ATB..B this is the bitch my bitch had her pups today. 4 dogs 4 bitches
  3. like i say mate u would not no the person im on about'' n bosun is a genuine lad' who nos his stuff' especialy .. the PYE.. line ov dogs... ATB..B
  4. :laugh: ... not a true'er word spoke'' dont no about jackers'' mate.. never had one.. i no thay ''egsist'' no a bloke who had' 3'' but to be honist it wasnt the dogs fault' just the ''jacker'' that had um... and who would that be? u wouldnt no him mate'' hes just a no body'' hes only known for his jackers 'n' bull shit... ATB..B
  5. dances bosun loves pye stuff if you spoke to him that's one thing you would of came away knowing, now hears a guy who no what hes talking about.. :thumbs: ATB..B
  6. :laugh: ... not a true'er word spoke'' dont no about jackers'' mate.. never had one.. i no thay ''egsist'' no a bloke who had' 3'' but to be honist it wasnt the dogs fault' just the ''jacker'' that had um...
  7. :laugh: :laugh:..... BELTER THAT MATE... ATB..B
  8. who seid its a so called WRECKING CREW'' :laugh: DOG..!!! ATB..B ur not slaiting PYE'' cause u never seen him run'' so this tells me uv seen the pike dog run then.... n if u look back a few posts in this topic'' u will see that ..bosun11.. says he breed the dog'' am shure he will tell u how its breed........
  9. steak and kidney :laugh: .. ATB..B
  10. me mate from liverpool got a direct son out ov pie called pike very good working dog No mate, if that dog is SG's, I bred it and told him how its bred...! It's Pie alright, bout as close as you'll get, but never direct! that pike dog s/g has got is a yapper i have been out with it and it yapped on every course it had .....
  11. me mate from liverpool got a direct son out ov pie called pike very good working dog No mate, if that dog is SG's, I bred it and told him how its bred...! It's Pie alright, bout as close as you'll get, but never direct! if its the same dog mate'' a ladd near me has a pup out ov it'' not that old'' may be 8 to 12months old.. but hes no direct son... ATB..B yes mate SG's av got a bitch out the litter what ways pike bread mate still shuold make good dogs i think bosun11 seid he breed the pike'' dog mate'' so am sure he will no.. ATB..B
  12. me mate from liverpool got a direct son out ov pie called pike very good working dog No mate, if that dog is SG's, I bred it and told him how its bred...! It's Pie alright, bout as close as you'll get, but never direct! if its the same dog mate'' a ladd near me has a pup out ov it'' not that old'' may be 8 to 12months old.. but hes no direct son... ATB..B
  13. me mate from liverpool got a direct son out ov pie called pike very good working dog how olds'' the dog mate.. n is ur mate S/G OR T all the best.. b.
  14. this is the bitch :thumbs: .. ATB..B
  15. should make good dogs, and nice size for most stuff Here is a pic of my mates dog who came from South Wales, he is 22 1/2". hows he breed mate'' thanks...ATB..B
  16. very nice mate'' is it streight 1/2 n 1/2... ATB..B Yes mate when i bought him i was told he was half p** but im near sure its english bull in him a few people have also thought this including someone who keeps english bulls. Does the job asked of anyway yea mate'' he does have an english' look about him.. one ov best charlie dogs iv seen' had E/B/T in him mate... what was the rest ov the litter like' did u see them' n was thay breed in england or ireland... ATB..B
  17. very nice mate'' is it streight 1/2 n 1/2... ATB..B
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