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Everything posted by busher

  1. ur lucky mate sounds like uv got the right beddy stuff... but i dont think therse a great deal ov real grafting stuff left .. my mate worked that type for years with a tuch ov lakey in um .. crackers thay were brilliant cover dogs n find in holes n draw as well .. he never moved from THE GRANITOR LINE OV BEDDY..n swore by that line .. but even he started finding it hard to find sutable out crosses for his bitches the real grafting stuff ... ATB..B
  3. MATE TRYD TO P.M YOU... says u cant exept messages.... ATB..B
  4. these pups r 4mth old now friday just gone.. there in the cover now; n trying to work lines.. my mates pup shot through a drain outher day that a rabbit had been through.. n thave great houndy voices when thay do start thay dont sound like a terrier at all.. but only time will tell... therse one thing u couldnt have picked a better dam n sire for grafting... ATB..B
  5. well mate shes got enugh hound blood in her all ready.. her father was a full beagle back to a bedlington russell griffon vandeen.. n i think she needed going bk to terrier to keep the mix right.. i think its finding the right ballance' ov this type ov dog as well i could have gone bk to anouther hound cross type' but would i be puting to much hound blood bk.. i dont think thats what u want in this sort ov dog ... to much hound blood... my mate hunts a full beagle bitch with me.. but shes steady n prity bidable for a beagle n a good grafter' but av seen a lot more that soon as u hi
  6. my mate just breeding some cocker beagles ... my self iv never worked a spaniel cross' so i dont no.. but i do no lads that have worked them n i hear good reports about them... my stuff is beagle russell bedlington n griffon vandeen mix.... the mother to these pups on here will hunt her quarry hard... n she will hunt a line n work close in as well ... like i say uv gota be on top ov them from go....to correct there faults.. let this type ov cross espesh'' beagle cross to do what it wants.. n u will have a hard time ov it.. lot ov people put spaniel back to the mix to make them more bidd
  7. Do they riot much or they quite controlled? Nice looking pups. like any outher working dog with hound blood in mate' u have to be on top ov them cant let um just do as thay please.. or thay will run ya ragged' dont let them go to farr n u can stop them going to ground if u try... some show no intrest in going to ground like the beagle russels have done .. ov willows n smallys.. this litter iv breed off my good bitch' iv gone bk to a real good russell type dog ov a freind ov mine... so im expectin these will try to go to ground.. ATB..B Alright busher do you run alot to groun
  8. SIRE N DAME TO PUPS .... SIRE DAM there just 4 monthes.. johnny boy.... ATB..B
  9. Do they riot much or they quite controlled? Nice looking pups. like any outher working dog with hound blood in mate' u have to be on top ov them cant let um just do as thay please.. or thay will run ya ragged' dont let them go to farr n u can stop them going to ground if u try... some show no intrest in going to ground like the beagle russels have done .. ov willows n smallys.. this litter iv breed off my good bitch' iv gone bk to a real good russell type dog ov a freind ov mine... so im expectin these will try to go to ground.. ATB..B
  10. glad u lads are happy with ur dogs.. n how thave turned out for ya both'' hope the new pups off minnie r just as good.. ATB.B.. my 2 i kept bk with there mother...
  11. to ov brians dogs out with us this morning... dog n bitch.. only young dogs' both real strong...
  12. good do mate.. n well done to dogs.. belting. .. a mate ov mine had 6 out ov an old land drain'' years ago now.. ATB..B
  13. they were all down to this old fella pal(marley),he threw some decent stuff considering he spent most of his days stoned on the settee haha(he was owned by a pot head) hello pall'' is this the dog u n B.. used to breed all the first cross stuff... ATB..B hello mate,yes thats the one he bred some decent dogs nice dog' mate like him... ..ATB..B
  14. HE WAS PYE BREED MATE.. black n white dog was he...ATB..B
  15. they were all down to this old fella pal(marley),he threw some decent stuff considering he spent most of his days stoned on the settee haha(he was owned by a pot head) hello pall'' is this the dog u n B.. used to breed all the first cross stuff... ATB..B
  16. As I said I my original post "MOST OF" I thought that was clear. Some of my best hunting pals have been met through these forums, but there is a large percentage of twats and pretenders on them, there always the first to run someone down or make a stupid comment. That's the reason that I and others I know don't bother to put pics or comments up. :thumbs: ATB..B
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