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Everything posted by busher

  1. be honist mate' its the teagles that tend to go to ground' more i think..ATB.B
  2. defo have a bit more drive the teagles' what iv noticed with s/b thay can take an intrest in birds'' the feathered ons i mean? when ur hunting um' u no phesant' water hens etc'u dont realy want that when ur drawing a place for fox' but there not all like that.. my mate got a patt x bull crossed russel x beagle x span.. hes a hell ov a dog'' split a brick wall to get to a charlie.. wev got a patt x beagle here hes a verey good dog good fox hunter' n marks um to ground n draws if he can get in'' but he was ruined when we got him'n he can travel to far somtimes' but his hunting ability is second
  3. is it a teagle'' ur after mate' cause a teagle is a terrier x beagle not terrier x spaniel.. ATB.B i meant to put in teagle or span x terrier.cheers no probs mate' we run a pack ov both these type ov crosses n i think there is a difference in h ow both these crosses work.. but thats just my oppinion.ATB.B whats better [/quotewhat are the difference for working charlie and which ihas the better nose and which works for longer hours,cheers there both good breeds for hunting n bushing charlies'' n belive me mine will go all day'n night'' if it was asked ov them.. but i do thi
  4. is it a teagle'' ur after mate' cause a teagle is a terrier x beagle not terrier x spaniel.. ATB.B i meant to put in teagle or span x terrier.cheers no probs mate' we run a pack ov both these type ov crosses n i think there is a difference in how both these crosses work.. but thats just my oppinion.ATB.B
  5. is it a teagle'' ur after mate' cause a teagle is a terrier x beagle not terrier x spaniel.. ATB.B
  6. iy iam mate'' same as u are ov urs pall..... good uns...
  7. shane'' remember him well.. still got some pics ov him some where' he sired some decent stuff from what i can remember.. lot ov cumbrian lurchers carry his blood.. new a lad in scotland' had a 3/4 off him' hell ov a charlie dog'' he always used to say that dog'' was better than a shotgun.. n he ment it'''
  8. just had a litter i used powells dog over my whippet bull greyhound should make nice small dogs ill put photos up soon how old are u pups mate...ATB
  9. scousers..?? sorry nothing worse then insulting a pie eater with being called a scouser pie eater????????? thats f...... two? atempts uv had.. :doh:
  10. scousers..?? sorry nothing worse then insulting a pie eater with being called a scouser pie eater?????????
  11. my pall on d.v.d screaming at the f....... asistant in the motorway servicies'' trying to explaine he wants a bottle ov strawberry water'' thayed just took this guy on''' from the..... soup kitchens?? in manchester..... :doh:
  12. well done u lads'' u went about it the right way''' HERE END'TH THE LESSON...ATB
  13. my dog judd' whos on the 4or5page on here'' his mother was 1/2 bull 1/4 whippet 1/4 greyhound.. breed of sam the man'' country music lines'' to a full bull... it was a hell ov a litter good dogs'' think thay made 22 to about 24.. i personly saw one ov them runing charlies' belive me these dogs had no reverse at all'' gud luck with what ever u settle on..ATB..BUSHER
  14. iy iam mate'' same as u are ov urs pall.....
  15. hello pall'' hes listening to the hounds there...
  16. hello pall'' hes listening to the hounds there..
  17. hello pall' dont no about the pics' hes built like that... made 24inc bang on''ATB
  18. no i didnt mate'' the sire to these dogs wev got' was breed by a good freind ov mine who is well known' for his bull crosses... n the dame comes out ov a verey good line ov whippet x grayhound x bull.. hes got all the qualities i wanted'' n his younger brother my mate has' is going exactly the same way.. these dogs dont do mutch lamp realy' they are run with a small pack ov beagle crosses we also work.. ATB.. lads
  19. Is he definatley 12mnts mate looks younger, still looks like it got the tools. yes'' he is 12mtn on pic.. hes out ov same breeding as my dog JUDD thats on here'' n yes mate' belive me thay have the tools as u say......
  20. bull x grey x whippet.... his brother here as well' breed out ov sum good stuff..ATB
  21. hello mate' hes 1/2 bull 3/8 grey 1/8 whippet.. hes a strong dog'' but hes deceving hes quick as well..ATB
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