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Everything posted by busher

  1. think pablo'' had somert do with it as well dont u... wee?
  2. no what this dog meant to u mate' sorry to here the loss' i no he was a top charlie dog' n he is iraplacable.. n times like this u feel like saying f**k it' iv done....but u wont pall'' cause ur a dog man n u love the game u do'' u no what might be coming off in the summer pall' the lines r there.. hope fully u will have something to smile about again mate... ATB. PALL B...
  3. digging dogs yes ....the odd fox 50/50 but fox day in day out then no sorry its not happening unless is a racey one like ruby jets harf x ............ READ MY POST AGAIN.....SLOWLEY..
  4. get with the post mate ...... Ok, I'll get with the post, the post says 'heavy', well lets face it, no heavy (as in weight) can catch much at all. As for first crosses, well run at the right weight and they'll do the job, week in week out. Take the Pie dog as an example, as it's blood is so frequently mentioned in your dogs make up. The pic that has been posted on here, taken in Scotland, did that look too heavy to catch foxes, he was a genuine half cross? Well if he 'looks' capable, then i'll tell you he was capable, run at the right weight, that pic was taken when he was with one o
  5. A WELL BREED N BREED RIGHT I MEAN.... first cross is the perfict tool for the job weather lamping or digging for charlies' my mate used his own breed for years' never had to out cross um'' or add anything.. like i say get them breed right n thay take some beating...ATB..B
  6. pity about the terrier thing'' coz that dogs a real nice stamp.... ATB..B
  7. some of ours we used to run most of them gone now.. :thumbs:
  8. P.M me mate n i will tell u what u want to no' about PYE..
  9. shes a perfict example mate.. my kind ov dog' hope she does u proud av got a dog here looks very simelar to her.... ATB..B
  10. real nice mate.. what lines she out ov..ATB..B
  11. depends on what ur bushing realy' wev got a good team' beagle crosses vandeen crosses but we onley bush charlies realy' thay stick to a line better i think.. but like i say depends what ur after.. n what suits..ATB..B as for lurchers we have whippet x bull x greyhounds that run with the pack' these dogs hunt as good as any ov the bushing hounds' n sometimes find charlie befour thay do' but these lurchers have been brought up with these bushers so thay no there job'' just have a good think' about what u want ur dog to do n what its going to work' then u wont go farr wrong.....
  12. thanks socks' verey interesting' i always say u never stop learning' n that was a learning curve for me.... ATB..B
  13. just had a long chat with mark pall' he told me about his pup' we will just take him to anouther vets pall' theres no probs'..... but f**k the nutering crack...ATB..B
  14. thanks for the reply'' mate... hands up looks like am wrong.. just to add pal i dont know for sure in your pups case it is genetic could have been some other couse was the pup close bred? if it ws there is a fair chance its genetic thin stomach wall !!! wasnt close breed at all mate' rest ov the pups r fine'' like i seid iv seen this befour just never had a dog with it.. but i didnt no it was genetic n could be passed on... ATB..B
  15. yes the pup is going to be sorted'' n the hernia or hole in the gut' will be soon as.. JUST NOT AT THAT VETS''' ....
  16. thanks for the reply'' mate... hands up looks like am wrong..
  17. went to vets with my mate this morning' with is 13wk old lurcher pup' now this pup has had a small hernia on its belly for a few weeks' witch has gone slightly bigger'am not gona go all round world with how a hernia is caused' lads who have had young dogs with um will no what am talking about' n how there caused.. what did shock me was the vet'' seid it was a genetic'' or gene'' thing that was passed on from the pups parents thats caused the hernia'' .. thats not the end .. he also stated if he rectified'' the hernia' on the pup' he would also have to STERALISE the pup as he would pass thi
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