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Everything posted by busher

  1. like i seid mate i stop them' or i certanly try to'' i try to stop them on rabbits in holes as well'' i might let them have a minit' at the rabbit hole but thats it' i like to be on the move' dont get me wrong' i no if its a fox at ground' with these dogs'' n i no lads that have teagles'' that fly to ground.. but u will find that once u let um go'' its a hell ov a job to try n stop um... the pups my mate just breed us now.. russell x beagle the russell... sire to these is a hell ov a digging dog' n a good lad has him on here'' so therse every chance these will go to ground with them being ha
  2. u wrote'' i.m.o a beagle x terrier that hunts fox ' should go to ground quickley'' if it dosent u should question the drive in the dog..... i wrote'' thay wont go to ground' if u stop them.. whitch i do' but i would never question the drive in my dogs'' i stop them.. not the dogs.. ATB..B
  3. there's no terrier in mine so i would of thought so, charlie has got a little bit more growing to do yet so i hope he will not be able to get to far down then Thanks for the reply Blackknight, I regularly see foxhounds go to ground so IMO a beagle X terrier used to hunt fox should go to ground quickly. If it doesn't you'd have to ask yourself about the drive in your dogs. thay dont go to ground'' if u stop them going to ground' n am not talking about ur foxhounds...... n drive.. L.M.A.O
  4. was out with st eve goulding last week he had three with him worked really well pushed charlie out of a few places has he still got BEEK'' good hound cross that dog.... ATB..B
  5. great pics joe n s/h.... :thumbs: ATB..B
  6. just spoke to him on the phone s/h.. joe.... :laugh:
  7. check all the minshaw threds thats been put on here'' then look how thay have all ended up.. then go back n read my post again.. then u might follow..
  8. see this thread''' is going to go a long way...
  9. ur treading on thin ice on this section mate' talking about ur' hound cross have u not read the 4 pages ov thave got to be pure hound'' to write in this section have a look mate'' its called WHERE THE F****K ARE WE GOING LADS... best ov luck hes a 3/4 hound, the dam to him was a beagle, the sire a half x so there is more hound than any thing else, a lot of the working hounds are not pure and have some sort of x in them, you are right in what you are saying so are you going to put a comment on all the reads which are not pure hound good luck with you conquest what am saying ma
  10. ur treading on thin ice on this section mate' talking about ur' hound cross have u not read the 4 pages ov thave got to be pure hound'' to write in this section have a look mate'' its called WHERE THE F****K ARE WE GOING LADS... best ov luck hes a 3/4 hound, the dam to him was a beagle, the sire a half x so there is more hound than any thing else, a lot of the working hounds are not pure and have some sort of x in them, you are right in what you are saying so are you going to put a comment on all the reads which are not pure hound good luck with you conquest what am saying ma
  11. ur treading on thin ice on this section mate' talking about ur' hound cross have u not read the 4 pages ov thave got to be pure hound'' to write in this section have a look mate'' its called WHERE THE F****K ARE WE GOING LADS... best ov luck
  12. as hedz31 has just seid' it is a very sad post this 4 pages ov garbage'' cause a couple ov lads on here have called there dogs hound crosses' n thave got terrier or spaniel blood in them' so what' no bodys trying to make out there full hounds' this sounds to me as its the hounds men who r pissed off' but whats new'' me n my mate hunt a pack ov bushing dogs just the same way breed as these... none hounds... thay r beagle crosses' purpose breed for the type ov cover we hunt.. spindolero'' to ur first question''..what u end up with.. u end up with a cracking little pack ov cover dogs' that hunt
  13. dame.. 1/2 bull 1/4 whippet 1/4 greyhound.. sire.. 1/2 greyhound 1/2 bull.. ATB..B
  14. bang on'' great pics to.... ATB..B
  15. do thay do half sizes in um mate...
  16. :bye: :doh: :icon_redface: :icon_redface: well mr sadman i took your advice and spoke to him and exactly like i say the dog pup has seen ONE the bitch is flying,,,,, so pick your dummy up and crawl back under your stone you sad lonely man we all know who you are!!!! ps i forgot pathetic..... he did say he had spoken to you that is just about the only truth you have said......it has to be true what they say about you that you have an illness.....how else can you describe the shit you come out with???????????????? does this idiot never learn mr sonnyboy.. :laugh:
  17. good going mate n well done' have a small pack ourselvs.. nowt like um when thay get going on charlies.. ATB..B
  18. fantastic pics' well done to u dogs n ferrets..
  19. :whistling: :laugh: :laugh:
  20. some more ov the pack wev got...
  21. beagle x vandeen russell x beddy russell.. dog on left was lost taking a charlie across a train line.. bitch on right is mine.. sis n brother' cant speak highly enugh ov these dogs.. bad loss looseing the dog.. very good bush n cover dogs....ATB.B
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