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Everything posted by busher

  1. i know what u mean but there is always the half crosses that throw to the racey side like this on of mine 23 1/2 tts 55 lb 12 month old nice dog'' no its a half cross.... but what bull lines is it out ov mate.. ATB..B
  2. nice bitch'' what hight is she mate... ATB..B
  3. i had a bitch out of blue years a go ,blue was 3/8bull 5/8grey. he was a big dog think it was 28inch and probabley weighed over 100pound Yes thats the one,Charlies 3/8bull 5/8grey....he's 27inch and 90pound very nice animal... :thumbs:.. ATB..B
  4. toppers them pups'' in well good nick to.. .. ATB..B
  5. :thumbs: :thumbs:... something worth reading at last......
  6. ya mate if it makes 24'' i will be happy'''''''' ..
  7. thanks pall'' pup looking realy good' thave all turned out same stamp mate' mine defo bigist.....lol
  8. real nice dog that mate'' hows it breed mate.. i mean is it whippet x grayhound back to bull.. ATB..B
  9. then maybe you should have a day out with them before slating them? to be honest mate your post shows your a notch above where you should be coming in here because you have pure hounds giving it lashes for the lads that do it on a smaller scale, bottom line is crossing a hound with a terrier/spaniel whatever makes the hound more controlable (sorry its not a hound is it weel call it a heinz 57 to make you feel better) it makes it more controlable for lads that do small days like walking out small plantations etc on a pheasant shoot, whereas a pack of hounds may run for miles if people aint got
  10. why how old is it...... 11 months 11 months old mate i don,t mean to shake your tree but to breed off her next year when basically she should be out there grafting and you finding out what she can and can,t do.not sitting under heat lamp with full litter of pups,give her couple of seasons then breed her. :thumbs:.........
  11. some good blood in these dogs mate'' the father to the brindle n white dog in blitz pic'' was whippet x greyhound racing champ SAM THE MAN one ov the fastest sons i belive to be breed out ov COUNTRY MUSIC.. ATB..B
  12. thats exaclly how the dogs breed'' on blitz pic' mate... ATB ..B
  13. half bull 1/4 whippet 1/4 grey he was very hard dog .he is dead now but still got stuff out of him these two dogs'' are breed out ov sister to this brindle n white dog.. ATB ..B
  14. £200 or £250 mate last time i spoke to him.... ATB..B
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