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About Sidtheferret

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  • Birthday 31/10/1980

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  • Location
    North East England
  1. Hi, I'm just getting into ferreting properly and was wondering where i could go hunting locally around the durham area? I have 1 jill and 1 hob both ready to work. regards,sidtheferret.
  2. Thanks for the advice guys,,,i'm from north east england,Dottydoo
  3. Thanks very much for the advice chaps,the above was a innocent post chaps,the guys i were also ferreting with today and the time before were also newbies to the ferreting game,we tried to find the ferret several times but to no luck,gutted is not the word i'm devastated at loosing my ferret,the land we worked them on one of the guys lives there so he said he's going to try and find it,as i say i'm a newbie and find comments such as calling me an ass no use what so ever. thanks again to the member i'm quoting as its the most useful post on this topic. I shall do my homework before i venture out
  4. Ok guys new here,just thought i'd say hi,completely new to the ferreting game,i've been out today and last sunday without any success today was the worst day for my 2 times out i lost my ferret and couldn't get it back we tried for a while to get it back,luckily i've just sorted a polecat out for pick up tomorrow so will be training that up and working it,Maybes i have jumped in and ran before i could walk so to speak? Any tips on what you should do before venturing into the ferreting game,is it a case of a waiting game to get up to scratch with working ferrets?
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